
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:22:51
怎样区分单词和词组 what colour is it改为复数句 用now,starstaion,police,police station,play,news造句play的意思是戏剧,news的意思是新闻star的意思是主演 Are you going to have --- study?No,l have to go to work.A far B father C further D farer 对No,they are onions.如何提问? Last sunday was g( ) .I went to the beach. 布封的自然史内容急~太啰嗦了 I didn't know whether mother______(take)me to Beijing next month. 《自然史》是谁写的写出作者的介绍 自然史作者kkkkkkkkkkk 《自然史》的作者是谁啊?作者生平简介,和著作~ 狮城,酒城,雾都分别是什么地方? I know you are a student good at maths.这个句子主谓宾我先来做做,I是主语,know是谓语,you和a student是间接宾语和直接宾语,然后student又是表语,我也拿不准,帮我回答下,能再多出这种例子然后在旁边批上 i know you are student good at maths I know you are student good at maths .请分析一下句子的成分! how much are the onions?how much are these onions?how much are there onions?区别how much are the onions?how much are these onions?how much are there onions?区别 有人修理电灯触电了 能不能我一脚把他踢开(穿着球鞋)踢开他 不超过半秒的时间我一脚在桌子上 一脚踢开他可以吗 (1)一位同学修理电灯时,不慎触电,电线贴在他手上.措施: far from 于far away from什么区别,举几个例句 EsTEE LAuDER Resi|ience Do you want to go()? Do you (m )you don't want to go? 详解四柱八字神煞:丧门、丧门星、吊客是什么意思? ultra extreme medium 分别是那个等级 银联用英语怎么说? 闪银 用英语怎么说 英语翻译不要翻译软件翻译出来的,麻烦英语高手来翻译.是这个正确The Network of Assets Transfer正确,还是这个The Transfer of Network Assets正确啊? 零线是不是没电的, 名将樊哙 故事简要太多了吧 樊哙闯帐的故事描写手法 I haven't any eggs和I haven't got many ___for your answers.I have t___ friends