
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:55:30
Are you missing me?请问一下这有语法错误吗? 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力,这样的革命名言还有什么类似于这种在革命时期的名言,合辙押韵的,而且适合这个年代的年轻人的,还有哪些, Do you miss me?和Are you missing me 哪个对啊 “革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力”的历史背景是什么? Are you miss me?病句吗 革命尚未成功,同志尚需努力,是谁说的 为什么革命尚未成功同志仍需努力? I don't have enough money to buy a computer ( ) 读句子,写出你的忠告 谁被史学界称为近代中国开眼看世界第一人 你把爱情给了谁英文怎么写 我国近代开眼看世界的第一人是()A.林则徐 B.魏源 C.龚自珍 D.郑观应 妈妈每天接我上下学用英语怎么说 近代中国开眼看世界第一人是? When _______for London?A is she flying B she flies C she is going to fly where is she going when is he going to do?where is she going when is he going to do? Lucy is going to bewhen she grows up when are you going?where is she going to do?什么意when are you going?where is she going to do? Are you also miss me? 英语翻译In vivo studies demonstrated that the long-term chilled semen remained fertile at least 11 d of storage,which confirms present and previous in vitro studies.To improve the fertility rate of long-term stored samples,the interest of medium 帮忙翻译两个句子,英译中~1.When depressed these patients experience painful sadness, negative thinking, and indifference to things that used to bring them happiness. 2.Human learning and memory have been studied mostly with verbal materia 英语翻译Samsung Electronics Co overtook Apple Inc as the world’s top smartphone maker in the July-September period with a 44 percent jump in shipments,and forecast strong sales in the current quarter in a clear warning to its rivals. 英语翻译1.unethical behaviour occurs when decisions enable an individual or company to gain at the expense of society2.in situations where there has been an acquisition of a company,contractual obligations have been placed on the buyer by the sel somebody that i used to know 空间歌曲链接 "爱情"的英文怎么写我想知道 根据意思写出词语反复思考推求可以用什么词语或成语 革命尚未成功,同志还需努力.这是啥意思啊? I don't have money to buy the computer同义句I ------- ---------the computer同义句We sell shoes for 2 yuan each at the clothes store.You can------- shoes -------the price of 2 yuan each at the sports store. miss good bye baby 中文版歌词我说的是中文版的歌词 不是韩文译音 You high baby 神马意思?如题. 维新运动 戊戌变法区别中国的维新运动不是日本的 good bye baby miss a mp3速发 mp3格式的音频 somebody that i used to know中文歌词不是英文的翻译,是另外编歌词,押韵的那种.