
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:49:38
“天连碧水连天碧”之类的句子有哪些? 英语翻译1、实名制登记,一人一证2、小心地滑3、健身房4、精品店5、问询6、员工更衣室(女)7、员工更衣室(男)8、请随手关门9、小心碰头10、小心台阶11、垃圾房12、可回收垃圾13、不可 六十年后的地球是什么样的? 二十年后人类会变成什么样?求大神帮助 人类社会为什么回有高低之分? 一些直接引语变间接引语的题目(1)“Good morning!”he said to me.(2)“What a lovely dog it is!”she said 直接引语变间接引语题目1,Our teacher told us,"The sun rises in the east."2,I asked ,"What's Peter's address?"3,He asked,"When is the new manager coming?"4,My mother asked,"Why are all the windows open?"5,The teacher asked,"How many books do 直接引语变间接引语的题目!1.He said,"Why are you late for school,John?"2.Lucy said,"I'm going to the beach for vacation."3.Mother told me,"I'm not mad at you anymore."4.Taotao asked me,"Can I copy your homework?"5.Tom said,"I'm too tired,I 英语翻译Where a reference in this Agreement is made to a Section,Annex or Exhibit,such reference shall be to a Section of,Annex to or Exhibit to this Agreement unless otherwise indicated.此句该如何翻译,“a reference in this Agreement 直接引语变间接引语的题目!求帮忙!1.Lana said,"I'm happy to see you again."2."Can I copy your homework?"he asked me.3.Mary asked Ann,"Why are you so excited?"4."I never eat bananas,"he said.5.He said to me,"You can sit here."6.Jim said t 英语翻译 x取什么最小正整数时,√(2X+5)与√3是同类二次根式 13的倍数有哪些?列举出来.80个.有点多.so. 【成语】马首是瞻 从提升消费者满意度 谈设计附加值的创造、 3道物理选择,肯定采纳. 枝干上带刺,叶片上有毛的植物叫什么? 有一种植物 有毛 叶底为红色 表面为绿色植物茎是红色的 有什么植物全身都长有毛的?如题, 帮忙看看这种植物是什么? 红色5片花瓣,叶子是掌型,而且有毛,根部像萝卜 I did very well in the subject back at home.=I was e---- in the subject back at home.一个英语报纸的题,摆脱帮帮忙, 马首是瞻这句成语是什么来历?好像是有位姓马的人的故事 3道选择肯定采纳 文似看山不喜平 的意思 3道物理选择,急,半小时内答的采纳! 现在世界面临的五大污染是什么? 未来在月球上生活有那五大困难 建筑工地外脚手架因该比作业面高出多少? 在建设建筑工地中最常用的是圆盘式脚手架,谁能总结归纳一下它的特点? 翻译:your teacher's clock 文似看山.不喜平... institutional development in transition economies求高手帮忙翻译一下,