
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 02:18:35
some people argue that and that 其中后面的that充当什么成分that后面各为一个句子 some argue that的意思some argue 可以用于表达自己的观点吗? Some argue that people should be encouraged by a reward for a good deed,because they may believe the saying “no pains,no gains.” We are going to have a picnic ( ) tomorrow morning Some scholars argue that a large population makes ______ would otherwise be unprofitable,especially railroads,highways,irrigation systems and pots.A.it profitable that many social investments B.profitable that many social investments C.many profitabl We're going to have the picnic tomorrow evening.怎么写问句 Are you going to have a picnic tomorrow 怎么回答re you going to have a picnic tomorrow 怎么回答 额 突然忘记 描写紧张的句子 有关紧张的句子、、、、 心情紧张的句子这位,诚信的名人名言有没有. 已知函数f(x)=4x^3-3x^2cosθ+(3/16),其中x∈R,且0≤θ≤180度1.当cosθ=0,判断f(x)是否有极值2.要是f(x)的 极小值大于0,求θ取值范围3.符合2.中范围,且f(x)在(2a-1,a)内都是增函数,求a的取值范围 只要第三问 哪里有关于大自然启示的好词好句好段啊? 怎么与小学五年级的淘气小男孩相处? have,am,the,I,to,not,in,picnic,going,a,park(连词成句) picnic,going,have,to,Wo,a连词成句 城南旧事片段及音乐赏析3000字 数字题,我会及时采纳.若1-(3k-5)的2次方有最大值,则方程5k-4=3x+2的解是( ) Could you tell me___ in your home town in winter?A.if it often snowed B.whether does it often snows C.if it often snow D.whether it often snows.为什么选择D? Why not have a picnic?(改为同义句)______ _____ ______a picnic Why not have a picnic?(改为同义句) ____ ____ a picnic?今天我们考期末试,英语就这一道有点问题她只给了两个空自我觉得有点问题求高人解答(这道题是不是出错了这是全市统考应该不会错吧) Why not have a picnic?同义句只有两个空,_____ ______ have a picnic? Why not have a picnic?的同义句可以改写为什么?只能在a picnic 前加两个单词. tell me your telephone number and I can ____you after school could you tell me you telephone number? 英语汉语都要 女生额是女生啦 上课肯定要自我介绍 我很内向 作文水平一般 谁给我写一篇自我介绍?写介绍内容就行乐 本人重谢 注意是英语汉语两种 把Miss Li's,you,would,telephone,number,please,me,tell,连词成句,并把它翻译成汉语 英语翻译in the fifty-metre high outer wall,这边为什么用in?公寓在墙上? Fifty p_____ people live in Asia. 根据现代汉语的表达习惯,把下列省略句补充完整,体会文言文中省略句式的特点.1 于是相如前进缶,因跪请秦王.3 永州之野产异蛇,黑质而白章;触草木,尽死;以噬人,无御之者.4 秦时,与臣游, 文言文省略现象,几个句子1.衣食所安弗敢专也,必以( )分人.2.小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情( ).3.小惠未徧,民弗从( )也.4.一鼓作气,再( )而( )衰,三( )而( )竭.5.温故而知新,可以 Some people would rather____(live)in the countryside than in the noisy city. some people have the idea that once one understands the causes,the cure will rapidly follow.这句话中从句部分( once one understands the causes,the cure will rapidly follow)怎么感觉像两句话的呢?请大神帮我把成分分析一下