
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:46:06
我的名字叫卢敏,起什么英文名字好?要和中文谐音又比较可爱好听的, the man is made to 、、 the boss made the young man work all day and all night(改为同意句)the young man was ( )( )work all day and all night The man is out of work.So he doesn't make m____.补全单词 The poor man was made () in the fields.A.to work B.work C.working D.worked Born in 1930 Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.中的born为什么是是现在时 在1930年出生的人是什么 a person born in 1930 is _____ (3个字母_l_) 我想练英语圆体字,那种字贴最好? where is my dream作文 man proposes,god disposes. to be a bad I was born in a city( )Beijing His brother was born in 1982 in beijing对in 1982 in beijing提问 文艺复兴时期的服装是是什么样的? 英国文艺复兴时的服装叫什么? College life As a sophomore,I feel that the time flies.You may consider that college life is bori用中文翻译这段话 yo will stay in the space for three day on the first day.翻译 求中文…翻译…大神帮忙…Three days later,I will be away from Shenzhen.Excitement. That dinner was the most expensive meal we_______选择填空A.had never had B.had ever had 选哪个,为什么 文艺复兴时期欧洲人对服装的理解? 文艺复兴时期服装特点,德意志时代服装风格特点?如题.请分开回答. 文艺复兴时期的服装特色体现在哪些方面? young men 应翻译成年轻男人还是年轻人? 文艺复兴时期西班牙式阶段服装的特点 One,two,three,four,five   Once I caught a fish alive   Six,seven,eight,nine,ten 的意思是一首歌 求 three skeleton key中文全文翻译 英语翻译就下面一句话,请注意,这个颜色已经是工厂能做到最接近样衣上的颜色了, Cara,Laura,Cathy做英文名那更好呢?谢谢!我是女生、想选一个好听的英文名.求各位帮忙看一下!感谢万分!Cara卡拉.朋友 亲爱的人Laura劳拉.桂冠 胜利 开心Cathy凯茜.可爱年轻的金发女子,充满活力,外 Cara,Laura和Cathy哪个做英文名更好呢?希望大家帮我出出主意!我是女生、想选一个好听的英文名.Cara卡拉.朋友 亲爱的人Laura劳拉.桂冠 胜利 开心Cathy凯茜.可爱年轻的金发女子,充满活力,外向,有 breakfast is the most important meal ___of a dayof the day which meal is most important?I think……is impotant怎么填, 草字头下一个鲜字怎么读?鱼字底下不是一横,而是四点底.