
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:05:50
土耳其2月份有什么节日 英语翻译一家卖零食的小商店,名字叫快零小屋,用英文怎么表达?只要表达快零就可以. 英语翻译翻译 零食连锁店 难道来伊份没有外国人光顾?连英文名也没有? Which do you like ( ),mutton soup or chicken soup?填better还是best? I'd like make some chicken noodle soup.改错 9. I’d like some _____ soup. A. chicken B. chicken’s C. chickens’ D. chicken’s i'd like chicken soup.(画线部分提问) ——— ______ ___i'd like chicken soup.(画线部分提问) ———______ _____ _____soup ____you like 土耳其也说英语的吗? what~is~those~in~chinese改错 what 's those in English?改错 What`s _____in Chinese?A those B that C these D his 每个句子中有一处错误,找出来并改正 1.Is these your photos?2.What is those in Chinese?3.Nice to meet your4.Those aren it her watchs5.Do you his friend? 英语翻译好安静,安静到不习惯 Chinese,excuse,those,in,are,what,me.用以上单词拼成句子. I like fish and chicken. 如何准备英语四级现在还有2个多月,我又是大1的,该怎么准备呀?具体要看哪些内容,该借哪些书比较好,求高手给指点啊 四级英语应该怎么准备 他既不喜欢米老鼠,也不喜欢唐老鸭的英文翻译 求函数中的自变量x的取值范围 y=x平方-x+1/x平方-8x+15y=x平方-x+1/x平方-8x+15 求函数中的自变量x的取值范围 求几个english idiom格式:Today,I'm going to introduce an idiom to you.That's ...It means ...idiom和意思都要用英文描述- - 请教几个English Idiom,1.Everyone has talent.What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads.2.Easy reading is damn hard writing.3.If I had more time,I would write a shorter letter.4.The last thing one knows in c 终边落在坐标轴上的角的集合是 终边在坐标轴上的角的集合 求终边在坐标轴上的角!利用弧度制写出集合,比如说终边在X轴上的坐标, 一题高中英语改错题分析.改错中为什么要去掉that?I would also like to know that how Chinese students are studying and living in American universities.改错中为什么要去掉that? 怎么求终边在坐标轴上的角的集合 设a分别是第二、三、四象限角,则点P(sina,cosa)分别在哪些象限? 1.boys often like [action] movies.对打括号的部分提问 boys often like (action)movies对括号部分题问 the boys like action movies.对action提问 Everyone of us likes action movies.改错 矩形的周长是8cm,设一边长为X(cm),另一边长为y(cm),求y与x的函数关系式,并写出自变量的取值范围