
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:27:39
若一次函数y=kx+b(k为常数,k≠0)的图象与函数y=5x+1垂直 则k() what does she do in the morning she often dust the cupboard in the morning.我把它翻译成 她早晨在做什么她经常在早晨清理食橱上的灰尘 我这么翻译对吗? does he what get time up often morning in the连词成句 What does Mr Smith do every morning in the English class?英译汉 (x-8.2+10.8)/2=1.8 和 3.6x-x-0.1x=0.75 (1+0.75)0.6x=8+x怎么解 2.6x-x-0.1x=0.75 6X-2.8=4.5 X÷0.25=1.2 3.6X+X=5.75 用方程算出答案,再检验!财富很高的.检验要像这样:方程左边=?           =方程右边 Li ming can sing an English song【改为一般疑问句】We should keep quiet in the reading room【改为同义句】He wants some CDs as his birthday present.【改为同义句】I was born on the 3rd of november.【改为同义句】Lin Tao's Wa Peter and Mike often read English in the morning.(改疑问句)_____ Peter and Mike _____ English in the morning 2分之1x*x等于多少? I and Cheng often read English books in the morning. 用所给单词的正确形式.Jane often_(read) English in the morning 如图,直线Y=Kx 4K分别交轴、轴于点A、C,与反比例函数Y=6/X的图象交于第一象限内的点P且PB⊥X轴于B,S△APB =91)求出K的值;2)设点R与点P在同一反比例函数图象上,且点R在直线PB的右侧,作RT⊥X轴 若函数y=k/x的图像落在二,四象限,则直线y=k-kx一定不过第几象限? 函数y=kx的图像过点(1,4),那么y=(2-k)x的图像经过第 象限 函数y=kx(x≠0)的图像过P(-3,3),则k=______,图像经过______象限. 当k大于0时,函数y=kx+1图像经过那几个象限?当k小于0时,函数y=kx+1经过那几个象限为什么 the teacher often asks us to () English books in the morning.A.look B.look at C.read D.watch jim often---[read] English books 如果kb0的解集是x>-b/k,那么函数y=kx+b的图像是?我急用 如果kb>0,且不等式组kx+b>0的的解集是x<-b/k,则下列判断正确的是A.k>0,b>0 B.k>0,b<0 C.k<0,b<0 D.k<0,b>0 如果实数k.b满足kb小于0且不等式kx小于b的解集是x大于b/k,那么函数y=kx+b的图象只可能是什么? 英语同义句He spend half an hour practicing piaying the piano this morning. I spend half an hour___english every morning.A.reading B.read C.on reading D.to read I often spend an hour____to English on the radio.A,to practice listening B,practicing listeningC,practicing to listen为什么选B I often exercise in the garden for half an __________ (hour) in the morning? morning hour spend every English i an halfmorning hour spend every English i an half reading 连词成句 (2分之1x+3)的2次方-(2分之1x-3)的2次方= -1的四次方-6分之1x【2-(-3)】的2次方的答案 x的2次方y-2分之1x的2次方y—3分之1x的2次方y=【】 (3分之1x-2y)的2次方