
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:46:18
plaese take me away from 求初三期末英语作文,100词左右,〖The Changes in My Hometown求初三期末英语作文,100词左右,〖The Changes in My Hometown 〗过去:1环境贫困,屋小破旧.2污染严重,垃圾遍地.3交通不便,游客很少.现在:1住房 急求耐高温,不变色的金属处理工艺现在工件的处理工艺为烤漆,但此工件在高温环境下工作,时间长了以后烤漆表面的颜色会发黄(原为白色),请教有没有一种工艺可以达到耐高温,且颜色不变的 金属材料怎样防止高温变色 英语翻译汤姆问托尼:一天,一只白猫不小心掉进河里,一直黑猫恰巧路过把它救了上来,你觉得白猫被救后的第一句话会说什么?托尼说:一定是:喵喵喵~ Lions are kind of ugly,so I don't like them.(改为同义句) 不锈钢螺栓如何进行表面处理 《I started a joke》歌词和中文《I started a joke》(张韶涵)的歌词和中文 英语翻译歌词如下:I started a jokeWhich started the whole world cryingbut I didn't seeThat the joke was on me oh noI started to cryWhich started the whole world laughingOh if I'd only seenThat the joke was on meAnd I looked at the skiesRunni I STARTED A JOKE 的是歌词 koalas are very cute( )kind of ugly.A.or B.but c.so d.also 如何选择 I will always be your ally 大家帮帮忙 谢谢~!~!I borrowed some money from my brother (改为同义句)I borrowed some money from my brother (改为同义句)My brother _____ some money ____ ____. ----- he borrowed some money from his go to buy some food 前面该填什么单词 This is the boy __ I borrowed some money from.用that还是which,原因. your teacher are alwaysYour teacher are always supporting your opinion.So it( )be fairly easy to get him to agree.A.might B.ought C.could D.should ____your teacher ____(wear)glasses? whois your math teacher? 为什么茶具中的黑蟾蜍遇到热水会变色有知道的告诉下 我家有个蟾蜍遇热水就变色 但遇冷就还原 这是为什么呢是一个装饰来的 为什么功夫茶具的蛤蟆一定要茶淋才叫,白开水淋就不叫呢?只要是烫水就变色那蛤蟆能分别出碱性吗 茶台里的蟾蜍有什么作用 将镀锌钢板作为承重件埋在室外的土中,镀锌钢板会被腐蚀吗? 划线部分提问I am writing with my pen.划线部分是my pen 物体a静止在台秤上,质量ma=10.5kg,秤盘b质量mb=1.5kg,弹簧本身质量物体A如图所示,静止在台秤的秤盘B上,A的质量mA=10.5kg,B的质量mB=1.5kg,弹簧的质量忽略不计,弹簧的劲度系数K=800N/m.先给A施加一个竖 MY WILL IS YOUR FATE! Your choice is wise your 翻译英语 Fate is the Consequences of your choice from which destiny put to you 氧气袋是什么 有什么作用 He _ the bike _ me yesterday.A borrowed from B lent to是不是两个都行? 氧气袋有什么用