
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:43:13
The place of interest is worth A.visiting B.visit C.to be visited D.being visited Is Dad cleaning the house 介绍广东的英语作文广东气候宜人 冬天温暖 但春天雨水多广东食品丰富 如四季水果 各类海鲜广东有很多名胜值得1看计划为他安排1~2个活动 I am not good at those things 翻译 I'm not a complicated woman; I'm just good at complicating 英语作文 我眼中的音乐不要写得太复杂了,初中的水平就可以了. I DON 'T WANT TO MISS EVERYING(我不想错过你)我该怎么回她呢? independent of those I can"t see any of those things. I'm gonna go get one of those job things.go 如何提高高中的英语作文成绩啊?(广东省考生)以前高一时侯可以拿到130左右,几乎全扣作文分上从小作文就差,现在高三更郁闷,95分的基础题拿7.80分左右,作文40分,别人一篇就拿20.我两篇加 谁能推荐一下适合广东考生的英语作文书适合广东省深圳市英语作文出卷的那种类型,广东省高考作文包括两个项目,第一项基础写作要求用五句话表达内容,第二项读写任务给出一篇范文要求 连词成句:a basket this delicious is of oranges 提示:这是一篮很甜的橘子 The world is a fine place and worth fighting for. The world is a fine place and worth fighting for 用quiet当英文名,我的名字是赵文静,我想用静字取一个英文名,想来想去还是觉得quiet比较不错,这个单词可以做英文名吗? The results of 2002 World Cup.First Place____Second Place___Third Place___Fourth Place____Canada B.New zealand C.Japan D.the United States E.Australia F.Mexico G.Brazil H.Germany I.Korea J.South Korea K.France l.Spain M.Holand N.Portugal O.Argentina Time off really fast.And good man married.Time off really fast.And good man married.If only l hadn't let go nowdress should be me.I actually started to admire this ugly in one's appe arance and eren a litte bucktooth girl.Because she married agood hu 完形填空Dear Lily,Gold Coast(海岸) is really great!We __(1)__ a good time now.I __(2)__ this letter __(3)__ you at the swimming club on the beach(沙滩).There are __(4)__ of people on the Gold Coast now.__(5)__ of them __(6)__ volleyball a It will be a ( )morning!we have a lot of hard work to do.A.fantastic B.long C.silent D.exciting The suit is not long enough for Simon to wear.改为同义句 The suit is ___ ___ for Simon to wear. This song made me think of an old and quiet village.改为同义句 This song ____ me ____ an old and quiet village.2.Whatever Rosa does,she is always full of confidence.改为同义句 ____ ____ _____ Rosa does,she is always full of confidence.3Sorr I can't find my backpack,It _____be still in the classroom.A.might B.could C.can't D.will The man tried all the ways he could come up with ()(make)the baby stop crying 动词填空. 藏语的上天保佑怎么说?用汉语怎么发音 寻找the final countdown一样带劲的英文摇滚我本人一度喜欢日本gray和B'Z的电子摇滚.现在发现了经典的《the final countdown》.希望高手介绍一些同样经典,劲爆,带劲的欧美摇滚或者重金属.说歌曲名 The Mayan doomsday prophecy in December 21,2012According to news reports:Some people place too much trust in the end of the world、think December 21,2012 will earthquake,tsunami,and then the world does not exist.They are crazy,actually motorcyclin The police officer goes to work by car.意思不变The police officer --------a --------work. 这个警察的头部受伤了 The police officer ___ ___ on the head He suggested the boy do/to do more exercises.如果the boy改成me是不是只能是to do I’m_____wang bing _____his maths He told me to take more exercise.(否定句)He me to take more exercise.