
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:28:55
----------- exticed the mother was when she heard her son's voice form he space station.a) This b)Here c)It d)One 麻烦解释一下.谢谢额,我打错了。选项是这样的。A)How B)What C)What a D)W hide sth. away from sb. /do...by chance分别是什么意思? expecte sth from sb的意思.可能是我记错了,希望知道的人可以纠正一下。还有那个是expect哦、、我打太急了就打错了。 同志们啊,receive sth from 1. are an we a picnic having(.) We are having a picnic 纠错这句好像是对的,如果是对的怎么办?如果是对的怎么办!!!!!! 纠错:we are having a picnic. turn you on的歌词翻译谢拉`` 英语翻译翻译的好,悬赏加10.英语歌词也要,汉语也要.(望语句可以读通) to be a healthy child 英语作文50字左右 英语翻译度娘翻译坑爹 the plane for Shanghai翻译成中文是什么意思 sweat is weakness leaving the body怎么翻译 轮船上加锌来保护轮船不被腐蚀是采用了牺牲阳极阴极保护法吗? unite into的中文意思 into sth中文意思是什么 get sb into...的中文意思 live the dream的含义是什么? Attention must be paid to your pronunciation. 注意Attention must be paid to your pronunciation. 注意发音,为什么要用paid. ____ want to see the film.A Every student B Each student C All of students D All the students帮我看下是选择C还是D好些? It is never too late to live your dream you are never too old to dream a new dream The students each wish to see the film.each后面不是接单数吗?还有..Do you know what it is?像这一类的句型中的what引导的句子什么时候用陈述语序,什么时候不用? an_____girl A、America B、American Although February is a very cold mouth in many parts of the United States.英语阅读理解题 the purpose of the cartoon is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to this soul-stirring pThe purpose of the cartoon is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to this soul-stirring phenomenon which is not uncommon currently among young Although he was not very confident ,but he accepted his friend's concentrasion to swim across a river.是concentration,这个词应作何理解? pay attention to the stressed words的中文 Although it's very cold here in Beijing,your words make us warm. that due/utmost attention/importance/significance should/must/has to be paid/attached to the decline of ocean resources.Owing /Due to/Because of over-fishing,我想选must,Due to大侠帮帮忙,把整句话弄给我,to后面要OF吗,就是你帮我 钢结构产品,应用在压力容器、海洋作业平台、风电能源的塔筒,附加价值高?为什么以上几个行业要比冶金、建筑领域的附加价值高?体现在哪些方面? doubt若在反意疑问句中是有否定意义吗?例:There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent,____?