
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:46:45
弹性涂料和柔性涂料的区别 初中作文素材15篇(随笔或日记) It is important for a student to have (c ) thingking单词的格式:c()e()()i()() 拉丁语中太阳星星月亮怎么写? 以及一次元旦联欢会写一篇作文 关于太阳,星星,月亮的作文素材谁有关于太阳 月亮星星的作文素材急··· 林海,九寨沟,三峡之秋导游词 500字 I will sent it to you tomorrow morning和I will sent it to you for tomorrow morning第2句语法上有错误没 -Will you go home tomerrow?—No i‘m going to a lecture,or at least I am planing-A so B to为什么不选A而选B啊?plan so 表正是这样打算的不行吗?? will you go home tomorrow evening No ,I am going to a lecture,or at least,I am planning to 请翻 Is this hotel ____ offered you a job ____ you stayed the first time you arrived here?A.which ,where B.the one ,in which C.where ,that D.the one that,where 我觉得D好像也行 把它改成陈述句是前面是this hotel is.还是this is hotel.后 Is this hotel ()offered you a jobIs this hotel ____ offered you a job ____ you stayed the first time you arrived here?A.which ,where B.the one ,in which C.where ,that D.the one that,where 选D 怎么改成陈述句? Is this hotel ________offered him a job ____he stayed when he arrived here.为什么第一空可以用which this hotel is which offered.不通吧is this .后面不是应该跟the one that才对么 Is the hotel ( ) offered you a job ( ) you stayed the first time you arrived here?A.which;where B.the one;in which C.where;that D.the one that;which老师讲的答案是A,我选的也是A,但是网络上有人说选B,可是B的第一个空应该是"t 高考英语单选定语从句Is the hotel __________ offered you a job __________you stayed1.Is the hotel __________ offered you a job __________you stayed the first time you arrived here?A.where; that B.the one; in which C.the one that; which D.t I am going to America和I am going to go to America有什么区别? 英语翻译 赋得古原草送别、黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵、送元二使安西时代背景和人物背景?今晚就要, 还有什么送别的古诗,除去送元二使安西和黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵?十万火急 我终于见到了大海为题写诗歌200字,急 以“ ”海为题的作文200字!不要诗歌形式急!快没时间啦求求各位大侠了 关于大海的诗歌200字, 初中暑假随笔给我点素材(最好多点),要写1000字啊! 随笔.求素材 写什么好 写随笔没内容可写,帮忙提供些材料最好是意义深刻并且具真实性的 求随笔内容素材 慢车:车长225米,每秒行驶17米.快车:车长140米,每秒速度22米.快车追慢车,快车从追上到追过要多久? _____ the students,it is very important to know how to study.A To B For 答案是For,为什么To 不行 粮食酿酒可能有些什么气体用粮食酿酒的过程中,会产生哪些气体,可以检测出哪些气体,用一些方法去分辨这些气体,O(∩_∩)O谢谢! 《送杜少府之任蜀州》和《送元二使安西》的景物各有什么特点?起到了什么作用? 以粮食为能量能酿酒.属于哪种性质,为什么? 送杜少府之任蜀州的体裁和送元二使安西的体裁