
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:12:45
there are a lot of sheep on the hill There are a lot of peasants ______ in the rice fields.A.who works B.who worked C.work D.working 1.i will ( )for you in the park.2.he did not finish the work( )yesterday.3.michael is in ( )need of meical attention.选词填空1.awful 2.urgent 3.wait 4.late 5.till应该怎么填? Tactics of beauty H.D Tactics of beauty 《The Standard of Living》(Dorothy Parker)这篇文章主要内容是什么?主题思想是什么?开头是Annabel and Midge had been best friends almost from the day that Midge had found a job as stenographer with the firm that employed Annabe 英法还有哪些文学家能像雨果先生那样 反对自己的国家殖民侵略并痛斥侵略的?恐怕没有了吧? 《就英法联军远征中国给巴特勒上尉的信》的作者是( )国的作家( ).他的代表作有( ) 写化学方程式时什么时候要加上下标? (先化简)(再求)√a立方b—√ab立方+√a立方b立方 其中a=-2 ,b=-3帮忙忙帮你们回答怎么有两种 5√6 7√6 昨夜星辰昨夜风,昨夜思绪飞漫天.接下句? 数学中的平方与立方怎么打呀?谢详解! 昨夜星辰昨夜风的下一句是什么 “昨夜星辰昨夜风”下一句﹖ 昨夜星辰昨夜风 下句? 诗歌"昨夜星辰昨夜风"的下一句是什么? 现代死得比鸿毛还轻的人物 people like green tea with n( ) in it 完形填空,n填什么单词? 悲愤的反义词 ()()交加()=反义词 悲愤的近义词,反义词 这三张图,配什么文字好?一个一个说三个图片,我要做文字头像,请问配什么文字好呢? 若有人不知,…………接下一句 我的字写的极差,很想提高自己的书写水平.因为以后可能要当会记,所以觉得这个重要,要开始紧张了.怎样成为一代书写大家(能拿的出手就行) Look,the chindren( )(正在户外玩耍)with their teaLook,the chindren( )(正在户外玩耍)with their teacher. 草船借箭的"借"字是什么意思? 槐树长什么样. 槐树的寿命为什么那么长 有两种槐树,那种槐树长的花有药用价值 槐树一般长在什么地方 槐树长得快吗如题 它们得意思,急 My brother _____ as an engineer since he came back from the U.S.A.had workedB.worksC.workedD.has worked选哪个?为什么?