
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:26:48
画时圆,写时方,寒时短,热时长.画时圆,写时方,寒时短,热时长的字是什么字? 画时圆,写时方,寒时短,热时长是什么词语 举一个生活中的例子说明“100-1=0”的道理又快又好的加35分 from saturday to sunday的中文 we don't go to school ___saturday____sunday.A.on,and B.from,to 选哪个?见过from Monday to Friday?On Saturdays and Sundays ( )We do not go to school ____Saturday ____Sunday.A.on,and B.on,to C.from,do( )We do not go to school ____Saturday ____Sunday.A.on,and B.on,to C.from,to为什么? 请问王老师 we do not go to school ( ) saturday( )sunday.A on and B from to C on to 选哪个,网上答案都不同,究竟选哪个?为什么? Do you know that man?1( )is my uncie.His name is David Smith.He is forty-eight2( )year.He is a woer.he 3( )in a Car Fsctory.His factory is not4( )his home.So he gets up5( )in the morning and takes a bus to work.6( )about seven thirty,he gets to his f is that the man your new teather还是is that man your new teather还是is that a man your new teather I hope you are having fun at home.的中文意思 great fun fun是名词 The last train left the ( )( )only eight minutes ago.据题意用适当的词填空 He arrived at the station,exhausted,only________that the last train had just left.A foundB to findC findingD having foundWhy? We have two light in our classroom 哪里错了?急 直接把对的答案打上来 说说你对男女生(同学)交往所持有的态度. 2分钟英语演讲稿Why i would like/not like travel abroad I am going to sunny Australia tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Am+I+going+to+sunny+Australia+tomorrow?做肯定回答 有谁知道识字产品哪个最有效?知道家长教孩子识字一定很头痛,但是买了这么多识字的东西却没效果,请问下有好的的介绍么,用过的 选择题There are some children in the room.mike is sitting __ itA across from B in the middle ofC in front of I‘d like to know whether_________of you is planning to buy a car A every B everyone C any D all 南京天元东路的天元大厦坐车怎么到? I am going to get up at six o clock tomorrow 怎么改一般疑问句 求问烤漆玻璃是什么? 我想问一下 手机外面的这层玻璃 具体叫什么名字? 求问什么是阳光房,与玻璃房有哪些区别呢? 寓意美好的春联 谁英文地址帮忙翻译下3Q2319 S Green bay RD Racina WI 51036 Who would you like ()?A.to stayB.stayingC.to stay withD.staying with Sunday是什么意思? _____ you are here,please stay with us for the night.空格之上该填什么?选项有:since because when if 重点要区分的是since和if,究竟有什么可以很容易就分开的,我觉得两者都可以放进去,只是意思有所不同.但 到底是 stay for the night 还是 stay the night I have lost my way in the snow.Could I come into your house and ————the night?A lay B put C stay for D live