
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 05:55:05
I am good at playing basketball. 这个英文属于什么时态,是现在进行时吗,动词play加ing说明它是现在进行时对吗,请热心人为我回答下,谢谢! 再问一个:I am playing basketball 改成复数形式 石油钻井添加剂用的重晶石用在那里? l am not good at piaying basketball.(同义句)l ____ ____ ____ ____ playing basketball. I am not good at playing basketball,so I often p( ) it after school.My mother s( )two hours watching tv every day. we----the floor when the teacher came in A sweep B swept C are sweeping D were sweeping 为什么选D不为什么选D不选B 肯德基广告语“生活如此多娇”的赏析,肯德基广告语“生活如此多娇”的赏析,包括具体意思,还要联系实际谈谈感受.急用. 肯德基公司口号(:生活如此多娇英文是什么 半只葫芦像什么大小写字母?三合一又像什么字母?七年级上册英语天天伴4第三页哦!~~~顺便把第六七八九十页的也告诉我吧~急~………………………………………………………… 英语翻译据说女汉子是这么回答的:除了未来,其他都是屁求文艺青年的答法?就这样沉了啊 it often doesn't rain or snow有这种说法吗 it doesn't often rain or snow的同义句错了。是改成肯定句it often ____ ____ ____. it often rain,doesn't it 给种葫芦的人有一些什么成语? the ball ___ him very hard a.knocked at b.beat c.bounced d.hit D的用法区别 1.I like volley ball very much,and I practice______(play) it very day.2.Could you play the piano more ______(quiet)We are all watching TV.3.Next week is May day.I am____ (visit) Beijing.4.Would you like to come here and watch TV?- yes,I am glad______ I like playing basket ball very much.我觉得不对 how can we balance creativety and basic skill lerning in our English study Our money account could be unsafe if we defray expenses on line.这句话的语法对吗?account 用单数还是复数?时态和语法都对吗? My wife is out of work now,so we have to __our living expensesA cut down B cut off C cut out D cut short 谈谈你对"鸢飞戾天,望峰息心;经纶世务者,窥谷忘反"的理解(200)字 17页39.Whatdo you think of Mark’s composition?Quite good.But I Think yours is -------.A.good B.better C.best D.the best 为什么 whatdo you think of与how do you think of 区别 what does jack's think of mark怎么翻译 *39.Thinking of the scenes ____ mother kissed little baby ,I quite think of my own mom.A.whereB.whenC.whyD.which翻译并详细分析句子. I can't stop thinking of you我想要这个歌的链接能往空间放的我想要歌曲的链接 Good guys need a break DNA分子双螺旋结构的发现者是谁 最先提出DNA双螺旋结构是谁? 小丑mv什么意思 怎样纠正孩子作事磨蹭的毛病 孩子磨蹭怎么办?