
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:27:50
They are both good at math.的同义句是什么? They are both good swimmers in the ciub同义句_ _ _are good at_ 求一篇去番禺野生动物园旅游的英语作文拿来参考的,100-150不要太多废话 关于野生动物园游览的英语小短文 they are both fine 改为同义句——them are fine 什么时候涨潮 涨潮在什么时候? 在地球运行轨道内,围绕太阳运动的行星还有 有一颗比地球小的多的行星绕日公转周期为288年,若把它和地球绕太阳公转的轨道都看做圆,问他与太阳的距离约是地球与太阳距离的多少倍 动物园新来了两个动物(用英语怎么说) This contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller. Hereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the S entered into this 15 of March,2006 by and between请帮忙翻译这句话,谢谢! 某行星和地球绕太阳公转的轨道均可视为圆,每过N年,该行星会运动到日地连线的延长线上,该行星与地球的公转半径之比为(N/N-1)^2/3为什么地球比行星多转一圈,两圈或三圈不行吗,不是只要 谁有外国人的MSN啊?给我几个吧,无聊啊,加那些老外都不理我,要加的上老外的MSN,能和老外聊天的MSN啊? Only if both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region可以把这句话的will换成would吗?原因? both sides now歌词:rows and floes of angel hairand ice cream castles in the airand feather canyons everywherei've looked at clouds that waybut now they only block the sunthey rain and snow on evryoneso many things i would have donebut clouds got 英语翻译如题,用法面表达法翻译 问个英语问题 _both sides accept the agreement_ a last pe问个英语问题_both sides accept the agreement_ a last peace be established in this regiona.only if,will b.if only,would c.should,will d.unless,would 高中物理题,有人发现了一颗小行星测得它到太阳的平均距离是地球到太阳的八倍求行星公转时间 为什么地球绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆的?大哥大姐们,你们告诉我的话,我就老高兴了!这问题缠绕了我好几年呢,再不知道的话就得疯拉,我始终在想,能不能是太阳系以外有某些质量大的物体对 小行星绕太阳公转的周期为288年,求小行星与地球绕太阳公转的角速度之比 不定式作状语、作宾语补足语、作主语补足语、被动时态造句~ make up a dialogue between Mrs Brown and Mrs Hunt这句子make up是翻译成什么 英语翻译翻译we should make a difference between right and wrong can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal 这句话的翻译 6、一次考试满分是100分,五位同学的分数之和是450分,每人分数都是整数,并且各不相同.问分数得第三位的 Both of my parents are teachers(否定句) ______of my parents_______ _______ _______U3 is too diffcult for him to understand(同义句)U3 is______diffcult ________he can't understand it 1.Both of my parents are teachers.(改为否定句) _______ of my parents _________ a teach2.He borrowed this dictionary three days ago.(用for three days 改写本句)He ______ ________this dictionary for three days.3.I have already finished all my Both of my parents are teachers(同义句) Both of my parents are English teahers.(改否定句_____of my parents _____ an English teachers. 一份协议后面的日期:Dated at ___________on this ________day of_________2010 怎么填写啊?