
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:24:23
We have classes every day ( )Sunday.A.beside B.besides C.except D.expect for We have classes every day ____Sunday.A beside B besides C except D except for 为什么选c 考点是什么 Plants will d if you don't waterPlants will d if you don't water them. The plants will be die unless we _______them regularly.提示单词:get,water以unless作提问,说一朵花要死了,除非我们定期浇水. The plants _______(die),if you didn't water them 1.our teacher put a chair in_______ of the blackboard.A.front B.the front C.the back D.middle2.Shanghai is in the ___________ of our country.A.east B.south C.west D.north请尽快!3.When the train came,the girl was too __________ to move.A.frightened 甲数比乙数大,且甲、乙两数的最大公因数是15,最小公倍数是最大的两位数整十数,那么甲,乙两数各是多少写出算式. 甲乙两数的最大公因数是1,最小公倍数是15,甲数是5,乙数是( ). 求 开始、结束对话的英文礼貌用语小妹我学艺不精,每次跟老外对话时都战战兢兢的,想说的都不会说了……求高人指点一些开始对话和结束对话时的礼貌用语吧,实在受不了自己哼哼唧唧的跟 谁能帮我编一段没有礼貌的英语对话大概一分钟就行 这些没有礼貌的词选几个在里面吧 no /I want/Stop it!/wait/go away /give me最好能告诉我对话里的哪些词不礼貌 一道英语难题.编写一则小对话,别忘了注意礼貌,先要打招呼!你想知道“铅笔”用英语怎么表达,并且想知道它的拼写方法,因此你向你的同学请教.请就此编写一则小对话,别忘了注意礼貌,先要 要代人去机场接机,请问该怎么礼貌的对话并表达出主人未能亲自来的歉意?请用英语写一些.导师有事不能亲自去机场接以为外国朋友,我该怎么用英语表达问候并导师的歉意呢? 34.Let me ________ you ________ the flowers.A.help; water B.to help; to water C.help; watering34.Let me ________ you ________ the flowers.A.help; water B.to help; to water C.help; watering D.to help; watering35.The patient was warned _______oily food Let him help ___(clean)the classroom.Will you__(come)to the front?What about__(water)the flowers. 一辈子够用的英语万用单词20000 pdf如题,请问谁有这本书的pdf版么? be annoyed by和 be annoyed with的区别各位大神帮帮忙,答好再加,明天上午11点前要!不是with,是at 英语的时态举例(重点)有哪些,举简单句子,如:i am./..you are . 为什么有的化学反应要加热才能进行?加热有什么用啊? 原有仿瓷涂料墙面改做乳胶漆 家里住了10年的房子,原来的墙面是仿瓷涂料,表面还算平整,当时房子就有局部返潮变色,现在想改作乳胶漆.请问怎么施工比较省劲.还有乳胶漆施工的流程,用量 turn our的意思? 1. He asked me what ___. A. was the matter B. the matter was C. is the matter D. the matter is 2. T relate to和be connected with有什么区别? Can some who tell me,me should how manage这句英语是什么意思 ...if we did not have air ,there would be no sound because sound travels through air对划线部分提问sound because sound travels through air提问 without air ,there would be no weather...问个弱弱的问题,no应该在would 这是什么用法 英语动过去时态举例kuaidian think you __no gravity,there would be no air around the earth.A;If there was B;Were there咋选呀? 知了侯壳有什么用 知了是一种蝉,他有什么特点帮个忙?急 i want to chat with some cute bo什么意思 青岛开发区哪里知了、知了侯多 知了开始叫就代表夏天到了吗?这几天比较闷热,知了也开始叫了.同事说这表明天不会再冷了,而且他已经把冬衣都收起来了.他说的有道理吗?