
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:38:24
选修6四单元what can we do about global warming?的全文翻译 When it rains,I _____ (take) a taxi.按照主将从现原则,when引导的时间状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,应该用will take才对,为什么参考书上给的是take? 北美最长的山是阿巴拉契亚山脉还是落基山呀? 阿巴拉契亚山脉怎样形成的 北美东部阿巴拉契亚山脉比西部落基山脉海拔低很多的原因 阿巴拉契亚山脉是怎么形成的? there are和they are 我总是分不清楚,有什么不同吗?还有their和they有什么不同?在什么时候用得上?there are和they are呢? No sooner had I got home when it began to rain 为什么 when--than? 求一首简单好唱的英文歌曲 when it rain i stayed at home.rain 的正确形式 this book is the most interesting book this book is the most interesting哪个对?还是都对? 同义句This lesson is the most interesting in the book This is a of my bedroom.It's a nice .The door is .And a ball is it.中间填什么 This is a picture( )my bedroom.怎么填空?应该填of My Bedroom This is my bedroom.It's very nice.My Bedroom This is my bedroom. It's very nice. My family photo is on the wall. My quilt is on the bed,too. My clock is on the desk. It is white. A set of keys are under the chair. A computer is on the 八角和大料的区别? 怎样分辨真假八角? 分析几组词语造词的理据,如果不能说明,为什么?用所学知识解释.《语言学史》皮鞋 布鞋 草鞋 凉鞋 波鞋 白酒 米酒 黄酒 葡萄酒 啤酒 鸡尾酒 简单好唱的英文歌推荐 英语语言学一道,请解释一下怎么能从题中看出logical,cognitative,denota英语语言学一道,请解释一下怎么能从题中看出logical, cognitative, denotative, 也就是conceptual meaning 的定义? 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.这样写有何好处? 有什么英文歌好唱简单的?要歌词.英文歌,有一点中文也可以.把歌词贴上,. 运用语言学知识分析下面的英语句子,A:Can you open the door?B:Yes.但B没这么做.这里讲到了什么语言学知识,你对B的言论有什么反映,为什么? 求一个语言学语句结构层次分析的网站,就像下面的分析结果 请教语言学- 分析下面句子中的语素分析下面句子中的语素(要指出是派生语素还是屈折语素,词根语素还是词缀语素)(1)With corporations recently experiencing stagnating profits after five years of virtuall here is a photo of my room. 和 this is a photo of my room. 区别急here is a photo of my room. 和 this is a photo of my room. 区别 急 英语翻译特别是加of后 ,是甚么意思.accelerating domestic production would incur a user cost by lowering the amounts available to future users.fuck 语言学,应用语言学和社会语言学的概念鉴定. 英语翻译不太准确哦。说的是国家石油安全。语言环境:The simple answer is that the vulnerability premium is lower than the cost of becoming self-sufficient,but that response merely begs the question.Why is the vulnerability prem 对外汉语 应用语言学和本体语言学、汉语言文字学的区别和侧重问题.我是和文字学的人一起上课完全相同 汗 英语翻译这句翻译成较少3/4还是减少到1/3到1/4 用英语怎么翻译 reduce