
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:08:34
education 用well修饰还是good? feel是被well修饰还是被good修饰? 一个人唱歌用well形容,还是用good 改错:This is their plans for the weekend. Love that does not belong to me是什么意思 We are also too youngl, love does not belong to us什么意思 I love it,but it does not belong to me,tell me why? Does not belong to my love!- -又来了句这个,麻烦翻译一下 taiwan is ___ the south of china and ___ the south of fujian .A.in;to B.in; on C.to ; in D. on; to 写解释 Taiwan is in----(south) China.Taiwan is in the -----(south) China 照样子写词语--黑-(漆黑)灰--(这是什么) 照样子写词语--黑-(漆黑)青--(这是什么)急 be good at后+什么词是不是+ing be well 和be good有什么区别 well既可以作什么词,意思是什么?又可以作什么词?意思是什么?good只可以作什么词?意思是什么? Does not belong to me? Does not belong to me是什么意思? Lucy,( )all your things on the desk.为何选D.take away 而不选put away我觉得put away比较好,但是答案却是take away.所以不理解.是不是答案弄错了? Put your things on the desk. i don't care mother Fucker who u are 功能很好.用英语怎么说.形容词是well,还是good这个电子词典功能很好,怎么翻译 《春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还.》的作者和题目? 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还的意思是什么旋改为曼的意思是什么?谢谢! 春风又绿江南岸 明月何时照我还的题目是什么 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还. I have a lot of plans at this weekend.这句话.at 为什么用错了?谁能说一下. 英译汉:Do you have any plans for this weekend?I'm not even sure that Chinese culture has a weeke英译汉:不要机器的!Do you have any plans for this weekend?I'm not even sure that Chinese culture has a weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in the 改为否定句 let's make a cake for tony 在光滑水平桌面上,有一劲度系数为k的轻弹簧,一端固定于o点,另一端连结一质量为m1的木块,处于静止状态.一质量为m2的子弹,以速度v0沿与弹簧垂直的方向射入木块,与之一起运动.设木块由最初 知道周长怎么求内径?周长除以3.14得到的是内径还是直径? 六棱形知道内径1200mm,怎么算周长 内径1000的内径周长是多少?计算公式是?