
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:31:48
You are crazy They're playing football.的问句是什么? 关于努力学习的座右铭(八个字)还有么? 我们班要起组名,6个女生,求组名组训座右铭 Mr Li said he would have an important matter to _____with us.(discussion) 混泥土浇筑完成发现柱子中间有50厘米左右的断层有没有什么高强材料可以补救的 传动系统图、转速图、结构式、结构网是什么? --Sorry for being late ,Cathy .My new car broke down on the way here .Never did I expect it wouldbe so bad .--It's all right ,Joe .I _______ newspaper ,anyway .A.have read B .have been reading 请问,还是选B mary ,you're late agin.sorry,Mr Cruise .The car ____down on my way.A was brealing B has brokenCwill break Dbroke.what dou you think of the photo of ella's family ____I took last week .Great!Awhom Bwho C what Dwhich 这句话怎么翻译?So what is it and why should we care in the world of 英语翻译一个大学毕业生 英文翻译是 a graduate from university "you shouldn't be an anonymous college graduate"什么意思? you are so you are so crazy 中文意思 碱性茶有哪些 哪种茶叶属于碱性? 香烟软盒装和硬盒装有什么区别? It seems that the old man _____ something important.A has lost B had lost C lost D would lose应该选什么,并将每个选项解释一下. 烟的软盒装和硬盒装有什么区别?我想知道到底有什么区别?吸起来有什么不同? 什么是碱性茶 are you crazy ? what he did has added to our difficulties为什么用现在完成时 求英语翻译; You'd better let her alone. what you had done added to our difficulties.帮忙分析这个句子为什么add后要加ed 班训(16个字)4字一句,我是高一2班的 语法:But the willingness to cooperate with each other at least will put them on the right trackto finding solutions .这句话有错误吗?为何不是 track to find solutions The boy works hard _____ order to go to college nothing __ our understanding of the math problem 应填added/added to/added up to/added up? his report has greatly------our knowledge of the subject.A.added B.added to C.added upD.added up to 求班训,16个字 these are sone arms.改单数句 These are some notebooks in my backpack改为单数