
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:23:01
英语翻译急 英语翻译怎么翻译 the reson why people are unhappy is that they don't have enough love甚么意思翻译 Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?A nice B.a nicer C.the nicer D.the nicestDo you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?A nice B.a nicer C.the nicer D.the nicest to have a picnic ,we need a patch of green grass large enough to fit a few people and so much foodhere are some good places for you to go on a picnic in Shanghai翻译急 1.The hall is ____hold 1000 people A.big enough B. enough big C.big enough to D.enough big to2.The article is very good ___some grammar mistakes A.except B.besides Cexcept for D.beside3.Mary was _____(surprise) to hear the ______(surprise)news. please take off your hat!=please_______your hat _______! Please take off your shoes写出这个句子的同义句. 英语作文:向同学介绍一下你在生活、学习、爱好等方面的变化 please take off your costume同义句. 关于家庭,居住环境的英语作文开头以给:What will life be like in10 years?(不少于8句话) please take off your hat!同义句 一片60字的英语作文——自己的生活环境和周边邻居,自己是否喜欢.只是因为不会语法,单词量不多, 英语翻译To you Just for one reason,I love you so much.Nothing is impossible to a willing mind,love included.Therefore,day after day,I wonder why,I wonder how,I wonder where you are.Time to go,I want to tell you how much I feel,and how much I love Please take your time take out your book,please 为什么遥控滑翔机比遥控直升机飞的时间长 (如果是我,我不会让你受到任何伤害)用英语怎么说? 带(oy)的单词有哪些?请回答 第一个问题:含有 ie,ey 的单词,并且发[i] 的音~第二个问题:含有 oi,oy的单词,并且发[ci] 的音~第一个问题:含有 ie,ey 的单词,并且发[i] 的音~第二个问题:含有 oi,oy的单词,并且发[ci] 的音~ 孔子思想对古人的影响孔子思想对古人,比如苏轼、李白、柳宗元等的影响,随便写哪一个人.写一篇高中的作文,800字左右.我说那位大叔,兼爱非攻是墨子提出的好不好?要的是对那些个人的 有哪些带oy的英文单词?越多越好!要常见的!如,toy,boy,joy,enjoy等最好还发一样的音(横线部分)-- -- -- --是oy的音 态度决定成败 的英语怎么说? 奥林匹克英语竞赛在什么时候?要怎样参加? 态度决定高度用英文怎么说? 选什么怎么做包括什么语法点who repaired the computer and when do you know?i'm not sure who repaired it but i'm sure he______ yesterday.A repaired itB had repaired itC had it repaired D had it to be repaired 英语的语法是怎样的?我英语学得不好啊!请问语法是怎样的! 下面有两句话,那句话是正确的.(1)Gaming entertainment at it's finest.(2)Gaming entertainment at its finest.那个是对的?3Q 晚上做梦,梦见满屋子的老鼠跑来跑去,还有几只老鼠在鞋里面,非常恐怖,请问这个梦有什么意思.多谢 初2英语句型转换1.What's you favorite sport?_____ sport do you _____ ____? 如何训练自己的英语口语?我马上就要上大学了,想在暑假练练英语口语,最好能推荐些相关书籍和音频资料 一个人怎样练习好英语口语