
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:18:53
求英语大师解1.Our math teacher is very _________(experience)2.家长应该对十来岁的孩子严格要求.Parents should ______ _______ ________ teenagers.(翻译)3.I can't choose which pair of jeans to buy.(改同义句)I can't choose 求大师回答英语题目用some,any,a,an填空lucy doesn't like to eat____chicken.she lies eating____pork.have you got____carrots? no,i haven't got ____.are there____trees near your house? yes,there are_____.there aren't_ 请各位大师帮我解决一下几道英语题,谢谢!Quite a few people used to believe that disaster_____if a mirror wad broken . A.wad sure of. B.wao sure of having struck C.wad sure to be struck D.wad sure to strick 应该选哪一个,为什 U4L31.( )Canada Paris France channel2.( )geography Ottawa collect population3.( )thousand sound country proud4.( )performance world worse work5.( )sign ago program organize6.( )different million kilometer minus7.( )Asia pleasure usually Russia1.Alice 英语题,求解!有耐心的人士顺便解释一下!1.-Your skirt is very nice.Where did you buy it? -It wasn't from the shop.My mother made it_.A.in hand B.with handC.by hand D.hand by hand2.We had a soccer game l 鲜花说,我开放的年龄多妩媚,月亮说.仿句 仿句:鲜花说,我开放的年龄多妩媚,月亮说.初一的仿句练习,会的回答啊! “我的专属天使”用英文怎么翻译? “专属天使”英文怎么翻译? 英语翻译求求你们 So we all had a fine vacation.And now we must get down to some good solid work.So, Some students are going to China in summer vacation,and ____.A.some are to America B.some going to America C.some to America D.some America为什么不选D?be going to 为什么不一起省略? I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,I cam e down here to Madrid Spain for a short vacation un 仿写句子:什么样的年龄最理想?鲜花说,开放的年龄千枝竞秀. 您好 能帮我设计下签名吗 章鑫 英文名Johnson 我英文名是Johnson,哪位大虾帮忙设计个签名,在此谢过 英文名签名我的名字叫Kenneth,麻烦帮我设计个签名,一笔连成的最好.求图 英文名的昵称怎么变的?纳西莎=西茜迪克斯=理查德有什么规律还是什么? 把下列句子填写完整,什么样的心灵最明亮,月亮说()什么样的人生最美好,海燕说() 什么样的人生最美好,海燕说,奋斗的人生快乐无穷.海燕还说啦“你可长点心吧. 求大师30道英语语音题, She is the most _____ one of my friends; you can just depend on her.A.reliable B.beautiful C.fortunate D.stubborn She traveled a great deal (as did most of her friends).括号里为什么不可以用most of her friends did She is one of my friends.She is devoted to my interests.连成一句话 例句:什么样的年龄最理想?鲜花说,开放的年龄千枝竞秀.什么样的青春最辉煌,太阳说,燃烧的青春一片光芒提示:后面要用4字词语或成语概括``什么样的人生最美好,海燕说_____________什么样的 she has the most friends then her sister.A:many friends B:more friengs C:the most friengs.还麻烦告诉我这是为什么! 人生应该怎样去活如题 不堕落`不气馁`要坚持不懈 求高手取个英文名字~和JOYCE有关的我女朋友叫joyce,我想去取和她想相配的,达人们帮帮忙拉.不要太普通的~有点新意的,不想和别人重复 英语翻译无需解冻,依产品特性,可选择用于炒菜、火锅料理、煮汤、油炸等 简述电子商务的一般结构 请描述下电子商务的框架结构中的组成部分 翻译句子:我们需要给他们发些什么东西呢