
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:19:24
马上就要.补充第四题:C.to turn up D.to turn down另外还有第一题:Danny doesn't know ().He forgets her address.A.where does Jenny liveB.where Jenny livesC.when does Jenny goD.how she gets to school还有第五题:-()yo 初二英语,速度,在线等ing~! 15分悬赏http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/31012797.html有实力的来帮忙啊~! ()1,she__meals and __english at home on SundaysA,cooks ;studies b,cook;studies c,cooks;study.D.cook;study 今天下午1点去比赛,我写了份自己介绍,要求一分钟以内.请英语厉害的人士帮我看看,有没有语病,Good afternoon,teachers.Glad to meet you .I am glad to introduce myself.My name is Gong Hongyu.I am twelve years old.I studu ( )吊孝不是真心 有没有比张天杰更爱天梦芸的人?真心的! not until等于什么?等于after吗? not until 等于什么?等于after吗? 我是韩国人现在学习中文,请帮我修改中文.《旅行》准备旅行总是激动的.新的环境给我期待感,脱离日常的愉快等等我们已经开始旅行之前很高兴.我很喜欢去旅行.因为我喜好旅行给的期待感. 我需要最新的Listen to this 1 的完整清晰的mp3.邮箱是xingfei129@163. if i were you,i wouldn'tdo that.主句是什么时态 帮我看看这篇英文的语病As I said before,my English is not so great,but now that I've promised to write to you and you don't mind my awkward language,I decided to send you my first English letter.I think it would be better to present a brief 请大家帮我看看英文有没有语病,呵呵!For your Policy and Procedures on recognizing of important guests could be implemented effectively,I would like to require that: 英语翻译 外国人学习中文时如何读“X”,发音是什么样子的?海外中国人所遇到的最尴尬的X问题是一位“习”姓朋友.“习”字用汉语拼音写出来是Xi,而姓氏在英语常常会大写,所以Xi在银行文件中写成 求Metallica的ONE中文歌词最好是中英文对照的 看到有国人跟老外用汉语对话,却用老外式的发音,这是不是太愚蠢了呢?在电视上一些娱乐节目里看到过这种情况,生活里也遇到过这种情况,我觉得这很荒唐.换位思考一下,如果你跟老外说英语 中国是世界上最发达国家中排名第三的,英语怎讲是否“china is the third most developed country in the world” 英语翻译当今世界已进入“战略制胜”的时代.无论是发达国家的企业还是发展中国家的企业,都面临着复杂多变的经济形势和严峻激烈的市场竞争.正确的制定和实施经营战略,已成为企业长期 I ---not--- ---(begin)to eat until my mother returns home. begin to do sth begin do sth begin dbegin to do sth begin do sth begin doing sth哪个有错 真心对我,我也将真心对你.麻烦把我翻译成中文 My cosin didn't run as fast as Tom.(改为同义句)My cosin ___than Tom.想用slow来表达可以吗?有基本思路,但是中间有3个空格不知道怎么填, Jim didn't run as fast as Jack.的同义句怎么改 jim run fast .tom runs farst er 合并为一句话 为什么现代汉字有一些的正规读音跟平常读音不一样 I,m什么to the radio Is Luis listenning to the radio?这句话哪里有错 意大利“中国文化年” 展现中国文化的精彩魅力,请举例说明 lcuy and lily are ------(swim)in the river 英语翻译they had 3 goals in the half,and another two in the second . ln ten years,l think l'll be a reporter翻译