
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:23:19
求09、10英语专四真题答案 选择就行 翻译一下even if you could buy the world,you could't buy a happy famliy,good friends or knowlege We are good at jump哪里错了 your stupid bear 求翻译! Yes I'm a gummy bear Yes I'm a gummy bear 能放到空间的链接 skip的过去分词是什么skip 现在分词是什么?了skip 的过去分词是什么 09英语专四考题和答案今天刚刚考完专四,想问一下,答案什么时候出呢?最好是有附原题的. I can speak English.改成被动语态.. discover的过去式 谁能告诉我这几句的英语怎么写事实上,那些老年人很喜欢色彩鲜艳的衣服.凯文生气了,因为没有人赞同他的观点.凯蒂,感谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会.你能描述一下那些人的相貌吗?让我们谈 MJ的You are not alone中有一句歌词:I can hear your prayers Your burdens I can bear,“prayers ”和“burdens”中的“s”应该发/z/的音啊,为什么我听着Michael发的是/s/的音呢? 英语翻译只知道单个意思、理不通句子. 英语翻译翻译:I can feel your heart beat I can hear your breathing in my ear Wouldn't you agree baby you and meGot a groovy kind of love I can't hear you well.I beg your p____.(填单词)We each_____(have)a good time during summer holiday.Let Amy _____(teach)us English.Sandy_______(not be)often late for school.They have much homework____(do)now.Morning exercises_____(be)good for us. 已知等比数列﹛an﹜中,a2,a3,a4分别是某等差数列的第5项第3项和第2项且a1=1公比q≠1,则an=?RT To tell you the truth,I have nothing to do____ it.A about B with C for D of,感激不尽. What ___ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with you.需详解 A waste B wastesC a waste of D waste for I miss youˋbut has nothing to do with you翻译中文 What ___ time it is to listen to a speech having nothing to do with youA waste B wastesC a waste of D waste for 不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才 人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 摇摇欲坠 穷追猛打 千方百计 由表及里 目不转睛 自力更生 七上八下 一鼓作气 层出不穷 高 这20个成语里暗藏着一首五言绝句,请找出来成语:不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 摇摇欲坠 穷追猛打 千方百计 由表及里 目 __will you finish your job?it's almost finished,but i still need__daysAHow long another two b What time other twoc when more two d how soon two more选什么为什么 求文言文翻译的APP? I will need to know your brests or bust size,翻译中文 if i ask politely will you show me your boobs?men need not apply. I hope your stomach will get good,so I need not worry啥意思? 英语翻译“虎求百兽而食之,得狐.狐曰:‘子无敢食我也.天帝使我长百兽,今子食我,是逆天帝命也.子以我为不信,吾为子先行,子随我后,观百兽之见我而敢不走乎!’虎以为然,故遂与之行,兽见 ANYWAY.IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME,PERSONALLY这句话什么意思?ANYWAY.IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME,PERSONALLY, Deserve has nothing to do with it. it's nothing to do with me .其中的it's,是it is还是it has?这俩有区别么? 求翻译Blindness has nothing to do with that.