
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:20:06
黄色的花淡雅、白色的花高洁、紫红色的花热烈而深沉 表达了什么? 黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫.选择一句续写.(不要求句式完全一致) 求文档:黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫. 仿写:我看到了满园菊花:黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开的烂漫我看到了满园菊花:黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋 .---Hi, Tom. ---Hello, Fancy. I ______ you were here. A.don’t know B.won’t think C. think D. didn Glad to meet you .I ____you were here.A.don't know B.won't know C.didn't know C.haven't know 一次有趣刺激的经历 作文800字 What a surprise!  I___you___here in Wuxi. A,didn't know ,were  B,didn't know ,are I don't know what i can do here.的同义句是什么 i know who you are,but what are you doing 11. _______, I was under such a surprise that I didn't know what to do. A. In terms of B. In short C. In nutshell D. In case翻译句子 童趣 (沈复)求解释!------------------------------1、解释下列加点字 ↗项为之将 ( ) ·为→以丛草为林 ( ) · ↘ 舌一吐而二虫竟为所吞 ( ) 幸福是什么800字作文 Hello,I( )you( ) in shenyang.How long have you been here?A,haven't know;are,B,didn't know; wereC,don't know;were D,hadn't known;are.求详解,翻译. 童趣 沈复 解释当中"拔山倒树而来"的而的意思是什么? 1.I with my parents watched TV last night(用at eight last night 替换last night)2.Mr Shi is teaching here now.He began to teach here in 1996(两句合并成一句)Mr Shi ___ ___teaching here since 1996.3.My sister asked,"Is this present for me"( _i_ couldn't_sleep_ last night (对划线部分提问) __ __ __ __ with you last night? 白色六瓣花,黄蕊,似韭菜叶植株,是什么花 大蒜叶子为什么变黄? 正常的韭菜是绿色的,可是“韭菜黄”却是黄色的,说明?A韭菜黄的细胞中没有叶绿体B叶绿体不在光下也能形成C叶绿体在光下才能形成D其他到底说明什么?为什么? 啥花的叶像韭菜叶,根像水仙的也像大蒜 韭菜的叶子呈黄色是因为A.韭黄体内无叶绿体韭菜的叶子呈黄色是因为 A.韭黄体内无叶绿体 B.韭黄体内含有大量的叶黄素C.遮光条件下没有形成叶绿素 D遮光条件下没有形成叶绿体 have fun 后面接动词的什么形式?比如 I have fun ____stories.listen to /listening to Do you know when computers begin?要英文回答,急!2、3句就行,好的加分! I have ___ experience on vacation last summer.A.such interesting aD.such an uninteresting 三个花坛里一共种子144个棵月季花,每个花坛里红、黄2种颜色月季花同样多.平均每个花坛里红色月季花有几棵? 英语 九年级新目标Unit9 Do you know when basketball was invented 课文缩写原文:If you travel around China you will notice a very popular activity everywhere you go--basketball.This much-loved and active sport is enjoyed by many,for fun 正在预习九年级英语课文:Do you know when basketball was invented?一些句子结构不理解,麻烦帮下忙,1.This much loved and active sport is enjoyed by many,for fun and many 后面不应该跟个people什么的吗?看起 初三新课标英语Unit9 section2的翻译,you know when basketball was invented?本人急、谢谢了 Do you know when basketball was invented?这篇文章的所有词组 初三英语课文Do you know when basketball was invented?80词左右, 我最喜欢的老师作文四年级800字不要写《书是老师》