
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/11 19:38:35
利海通讯器器材商场,计划用60000元从厂家购进若干部新型手机,以满足市场需求,已知该厂家生产三种不同型号的手机,出厂价分别为甲种型号手机每部1800元,乙种型号手机每部600元,丙种型号手 2009年上海中考英语作文 看看有没有语法错误,能打多少分I want to do something for my schoolHow time flies!I'm going to graduate from my school before long.Since i'm a student,i should do something for my school.I've noticed that t 要满足上海中考得分标准哦.Study brings me confidenceAs we all know,studying plays an important role in our life and it brings me a lot of knowledge and confidence.First,I can gain a lot of knowledge that we didn’t know.I can also learn a .“利海”通讯器材商场,计划用60000元从厂家购进若干部新型手机,出厂价分别为甲种型号手机每部1800元, “利海”通讯器材利海通讯器器材商场,计划用60000元从厂家购进若干部新型手机,以满足市场需求,已知该厂家生产三种不同型号的手机,出厂价分别为甲种型号手机每部1800元,乙种型号手机每 “利海”通讯器材商场,计划用60000元从厂家购进若干部新型手机,以满足市场需求,已知该厂家生产三种不同型号的手机,出厂价分别为甲种型号手机每部1800元,乙种型号手机每部600元,丙种型号 两个人骑着马,后面跟着人举着旗猜一成语 一个人举两个得猜一成语 艾青的 太阳的话 中诗歌中用第一人称有什么好处? 太阳的话 诗歌中用第一人称有什么好处? 太阳的话中用第一人有什么好处 太阳的话 艾青 采用第一人称有什么好处?急. 关于汉武帝这段讲的是什么汉承百王之弊,高祖拨乱反正,文、景务在养民,至于稽古礼文之事,犹多阙焉.孝武初立,卓然罢黜百家,表章《六经》.遂畤咨海内,举其俊茂,与之立功.兴太学,修郊祀,改 有什么小说是讲汉武帝的吗 根据适当形式填空1 he likes (watch) cartoons after school 2 A year (begin)with January 3 It began (snow) 4 he was (write)an email 5 don't (put) your feet on the seat 6 One fine saturday morning Tim ang dino (go)to the park 7 A strange man (com 根据适当的形式填空lt__________(arrive) in ten minutes.Once upon a time there___________(live) a king.He________(love) money very much.-what________you________(do) these days?-l_________(write) a book.They_________(play) happily.________you__ 下列符号中能用作C标识符的是____.选择一个答案 A.break B.&a3 C._abc D.2xy 4.合法的C语言标识符是().A.abc B.2ab C._a1 D./n 满分:5 分 5.下列四组选项中,均是不合法的用 {等}汉武帝的核心思想来源于哪A 法家B 道家C 儒家D 墨家 英语翻译[until,that,be,he,save,work,along,other,farm,swim]There__1_ once a very bad king.All the people hated __2__.One hot day the king was walking __3__ the river.He decided to take a swim.The king was a good__4__,but when he got into the water 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.1 --- (do)he go swimming on the holiday?---- Yes ,he did.-----2 His brother likes ----- (play) football3 My father -------(work) in a shoe factory4 Kate ------(wash) clothes now .5 --where is zhang pe 汉武帝的大一统都有哪些内容? 单选题 第1题 用于解析域名的协议是______.A、HTTP B、DNS C、FTP D、SMTP 第2题 计算机进行数值计算时的高精确度主要决定于______.A、计算速度 B、内存容量 C、外存容量 D、基本字长 第3题 以下不 1、GB2312-80汉字国标码把汉字分成()等级.A简体字和繁体字两个B一级汉字、二级汉字和三级汉字三个C一级汉字、二级汉字共两个D常用字、次要用字和罕见字共三个 2、计算机指令的集合称 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠的句子意思是什么明日歌 明日复明日,明日何其多.我生待明白,万事成蹉跎.世人苦被明日累,春去秋来老将至.朝看水东流,暮看日西坠.百年明日能几何?静君听我明日歌. 用所给此的适当形式填空1.We decided __________(have) a birthday party for our math teacher.2.Please give more love to the children _______(grow) up.3.My mother _________(choose) the cheapest jacket and went home.4.You should finish ________ 帮忙做一下此适当形式填空The story happened during the Second World War.A 70-year-old man lived in a small town of Germany.His three sons all worked in the same factory where he 1 (work).After the war had begun,all his sorts 2 (make) 按键精灵随机时间数 怎么写 1000毫秒-5000毫秒之间 固定区域内随机指向某一个坐标 如 x 0 y 0 -x300 y900 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠用了什么修辞手法快!快 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠.这句诗用了什么修辞手法. 求1作文 走进语文的百草园 最好有600字左右 求议论抒情文要名家的(要文章名,作者)