
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:58:33
价值不斐的意思 拉斐 是什么意思 that my father is ill worried us greatly ______ _____ ______worried us greatly He wants___(be)in the Reading Club.There are two football____(match)on TV. Make up the words that are omitted1.The boy will make a lot of trouble when left alone.2.When taken accorging to the directions,the drug has no side effects.3.If necessary,this old building will be rebuilt.4.You should do the experiment as told to. 我妹妹能歌善舞,多才多艺用英语怎样翻译? 以前衙门用的什么虎头铡刀,龙头铡刀,用来斩什么人的头?除了虎头铡刀,龙头铡刀,还有什么铡刀? 翻译 虽然我不喜欢他,但是我承认他很多才多艺(while) 英译中 英译中!小学水平followingchance急需! 求大师讲解此签是何意!《学问满腹入场围,从今解去愁和烦,喜报三元运气强,交易出行多得意,婚姻慢成行人即至》坤四上上《三元及第得意回,且喜平地一声雷,谋望求事大吉祥,是非口舌皆无 如何写公司收费标准变理情况说明格式求大神帮助 顾炎武 的父亲叫什么? 查词典:“成绩斐然”的反义词 “所读书必手钞”给我们的启示这是文言文 我市某段高速公路建设中,甲工程队每工作5天必须休息1天,乙工程队每工作6天必须休息2天.该段高速公路,甲工程队单独作需62天,乙工程队单独作需51天,问两队合作需要多少天? 甲每工作5天休息1天,乙每工作6天休息休息2天,甲完成这项工程需要62天(含休息日),乙需要51天,求合作好的回答会多给分的! when somthing glowing___his eye,he stoped ___it up A.has caught,pickingBhas caught,to pickCcaught,pickingDcaught,to pick 请问下面这些字母能拼几个音节?t i c h n g o e u 重拼一个单词 w,e,n,t,u feliz cumpleaos是什么意思 I know a boy called XiaoMing句子中的called是被动语态么过去分词有表示被动含义,这样的理解对么 英语短文改错 一行一错 朋友帮我吧 帮帮我吧…英语短文改错…我在线等啊…总共十处中有九处错误…With the development of the information technology, e-books这句是开头没有错,have attracted the attention from all society. 这是第一处,Where we go , we dead on arrivel 六人行里的主题歌,有一句是 your love life is D.O.A (dead on arrivel),3q^^ 英语翻译前面少一个Y, 有永恒的东西存在吗? 为什么被动语态有时用be有时不用be,希望得到具体解答,例如He called tomhe enrolled by Tom ,他被Tom录取了 短文改错 一行一错 急用When World War 2 broke out,Disney joined in the Red Cross and went to France,there he stayed until the war over.After the war,he returned Kansas to work for a company where made fairy story cartoons.This was the kind o The book called Jane .这句话中called 前为什么无be动词 难道不应该 构成 be+done 的形式吗 英语短文改错,其中一行无误What do you like?Different people likes different things.Some people like loud music,and other people don't.They like soft music.Many people like sports,but they don't all like a same sports.Different people like 请用c语言编写一个小小的东西!根据输入的半径值,计算球的体积.Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行包括一个实数,表示球的半径.Output输出对应的球的体积,对于每组输入数据,输出一行,计算