
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 14:13:10
The girl was so thrilled thatshe said nothing.(改为同义句) The girl was thrilled anything. the woman said nothing 的同义句 The litt;e girl said nothing but s___ at me strangely.填空 The little girl did nothing改同义句 介词加关系代词怎么用?我不懂? the old man has nothing =the old man— — 句型转换:The young man said nothingThe young man said nothingThe young man had nothing ______ ______ The old man had nothing in his hand.(同义句) 朱祁镇是不是明朝历史上最无能的皇帝?是不是最心狠手辣的一个,最好大喜功的一个!?最卑鄙的一个皇帝?忘各路大神有自己的观点啊! old man had nothing in his hand.(同义句)the old man —— —— in his hand When you want to give up, Remember why you started一张挂图.以上是图像上的文字,内容是蓝底和举重选手.求高清原图.谢 I started collecting them when I was6 years ‘山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪'中的卧字用得极妙,理由是? “山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪”,此句中的“卧”字用得妙极,试 \“山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪\”的卧字是什么意思? We played on the playground happily.(改为同义句)We played on the playground happily.(改为同义句)We _ fun _ in the playground. 七年级英语,帮忙下,(有回必赞) 山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪. 新概念英语从头学还是美音?新概念英语从头学的那个视频节目 用的是美音还是英音 英语翻译 谁能帮我仿写句子“山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪,对,这是张小水墨画.” “山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪”,此句中的“卧”字用得妙极,试做 We can play basketball on the playground.这个句子怎样划分主谓宾表状? We can play in the playground.{play部分提问} 人教版七年级上英语录音 别放弃 用英语怎么说 济南的冬天 山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪.卧字的好处 用the,shop,was,at,employee,the,the,day,yesterday,before连词成句 寻求英文名字能跟“倩”联系起来的就行 山坡上卧着些小村庄,小村庄的房顶上卧着点雪. 卧是什么意思. 探索发现的英文名