
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:38:31
1+1-1+2+1+1 0+5/3 -5/3×(0.5-2/3)÷10/9 what is today?怎么回答.it is on sunday ,october 14th.和it is on october 14th,sunday.一样吗.时间有大小之分吗? 子贡曰:“我不欲人之加诸我也,吾亦欲无加诸人.”的意思是?5句) 0.15比1.5等于3.2比( ) the olympic cisitors are going to do some soghtseeing and she's going to take them around a Beijingsiheyuon 我能试着根据注释把下面三段话的意思写下来并填空 1、子贡曰:“我不欲人之加诸我也,吾亦欲无加诸人.”【注释】1、欲:想.2、加:强加.3、诸:“之于”的意思.2、子曰:“其身正,不令 In case of fire,the steel grates must open谁知道这句话什么意思 in case of fire or emergency know your exits pentagon 翻译 海瑞的品格 ( )fire,all exits must be kept clear.A.In place of B.Instead of C.In case of D.In spite of( )fire,all exits must be kept clear.A.In place of B.Instead of C.In case of D.In spite of怎样分析此题?请从句子成分,语法结构,时态等 She ___(lie) down on her bed yesterday Ann is ill,she must keep _____ (stay) in bed all day. 王叔叔开车从甲地到乙地,每小时行50千米,3.6小时可以到达,如果每小时多行10千米,几小时可以到达.2.挖一个长方提沙坑,长4米,宽2米,挖出的土堆成一个近似圆锥形,地面直径5米高0.6米,沙坑有多 回答问题(英语)急 Just for fun1,What stars with T,ends with T and full of ________2,Where does afternoon come before morning?___________3,why ia the library the highest building?_________ 人教版九年级英语书第99页的just for 有什么好笑的啊? 车从甲地开到乙地已行使了全程的5分之3剩下的路程,每时行40千米5小时可以到达,甲和乙地相距多少千米?没... —How wonderfully Jim is swimming in the pool!—It __ be him.He is ill in bed now.A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.shouldn't选什么,并给出解析 Jim is swimming in the pool.(改为反问句,用英语) Jim with his brother Jerry___at the pool?A,is swimming B,are swimming选哪个? i just say it for fun翻译汉语 -Is everyone at school t______ -Maria is not here.I think she is ill 横线中填什么啊? Is()here?No.Jack isn'there.He is ill in hospital.A anyone B someone Cno one D everyone Everyone____(be)here except Lily.She is illEveryone____(be)here except Lily.She is ill today 2.Everyone is here,but Jim is away(同义句) Eyeryone is here____ ____ 客车和货车同时从甲、乙两地的中间向相反行驶,6小时候客车到达甲地时,货车离乙地还有60千米.已知火车速度与客车速度的比是3:4.甲、乙两地相距多少千米? 求音乐:группа комбинация american boy 一圆锥形粮堆如图所示,其中△ABC为边长为4cm的等边三角形,设想AC的中点P处有一老鼠正在偷吃粮食,此时小猫正在B处,它要沿圆锥侧面到达P处捕捉老鼠,那么小猫所经过的最短路程是多少?(结 如图,有一圆锥形粮堆,其正视图是边长为6m的正三角形ABC,粮堆母线AC的中点P处有一老鼠正在偷吃粮食,此时,小猫正在B处,它要沿圆锥侧面到达P处捕捉老鼠,则小猫所经过的最短路程是 .(结果不 圆锥从正面看是边长6m的正三角形ABC.粮堆AC的中点P处有老鼠.小猫在B处沿侧面到P处则小猫所经过最短路程是?我知道最后的答案是根下45我有几个疑点希望解答一下,为什么展开后的扇形就是一 如图,有一圆锥形的粮堆高为2√3m,母线AB=4m,母线AC的中点处有一老鼠正在偷吃粮食,小猫从B处沿圆锥的表面去偷袭老鼠,求小猫经过的最短的路程是多少 如图,有一圆锥形粮堆,其正视图是边长为4m的正三角形ABC,看清楚是4m如图,有一圆锥形粮堆,其正视图是边长为4m的正三角形ABC,粮堆母线AC的中点P处有一老鼠正在偷吃粮食,此时,小猫正在B处,它要