
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:09:59
既然你明白了,我不再过多解释了.【 】you【 】understood,I don’t have to explain it any more 既然你明白了,我不再多解释了 ()you () understood,E don't have to explain any more 既然你明白了,我不再过多解释了.___ you ___ understood,I don't have to explain any more i don't care any more.Becaue you have changed.翻译下 love can't always be perfect怎么翻译? A love perfect continue 中文翻译? Lutricia McNeal唱的这首Perfect Love,歌词翻译. 〈 so wrote down perfect love between us 〉翻译成中文 I like Chinese tea with c_____ in it. 心正则笔直.宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,写下了情真意切,壮怀激烈的《满江红》 仿写例句 仿写. 心正则笔直.宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,不是写下情真意切、壮怀激烈的《满江红仿写.心正则笔直.宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,不是写下情真意切、壮怀 仿写句子 宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国一心收复失地,不是写下情真意切,壮怀激烈的《满江红》?以陶渊明为例 you also cooperate. 仿句 例句:心正则笔直.宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,不是写下了情真意切,壮怀激烈的满江红 心正则笔直,宋代抗金名将岳飞,精忠报国,一心收复失地,不是写下了情真意切、壮怀激烈的《满江红》?仿写句子,最好多几句. 英语连词成句 two,shake,need,oranges,to,i,a,milk,make (.) a cup of milk.这个句子可以吗 please c____ up the bananas.we need to make a milk shake. 这句英文的意思Why did the tourist get out of his car get out the car和get out of the car out of the car对吗 Zhang Hua s____ to help the old man get out of the car,but it was difficult. From中文指什么 为什么是问句haomuch honey do we need 答句为Two 为什么不能用 how many spoons of Chinese like tea ___(with) anything in it. Looking out front of the car ,through the windshield,the world looks too vivid中文意思, Look out!The car is _________ (come)! Look out!The car is comLook out!The car is coming.(改为同意句)——— ———!The car is coming. my father will go to London ,I hope everything goes_ A.fast B.well C.good D.lucky 党风廉政是什么意思 my father and me often go to swim.这个句子对吗?用me还是用I? 英语翻译NicotineI wish I was a cigarette without filterTo light me and to burn meAnd from the fingers to the lipsTo go whenever you wantTo become your nicotineIn order to need meEvery quarter (every 15 minutes) my babyTo run in the packet (of the