
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:43:21
i suppose we'll have to attempt to reach the shore ourselves 石头为什么不能吸水 instead,we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,which now more than ever seen in ample supply.在这句话中的treated to fine hypocritical怎么理解? We are we suppose to receive the following orders,如何理解这是美方发给我的,有些看不懂.希望大家来帮帮翻译.表示是收到的货物不正确是吗? 石头沉入深海不破裂的原因 they中文是什么意思 xxxibgdrgn什么意思 有一个成语,忘了叫什么,但知道出处,有人知道这个成语叫什么吗?这个成语讲的是春秋战国时候,齐国(好像是)的将军打了败仗,齐王要杀那个将军,一位大臣进谏劝齐王不要杀他,大臣向齐王 We have (an art festival) each year.对划线部分提问.----(4条横线)each year? hello?is that patty?it’s me ,susan… yeah,you’re right.it’s about my daughter joy again!…yes,she’s still crazy about that rock group.she spends her money from her part-time jobs to go to all of their concerts.she follows them all ove 划分句子成分 Of course,he was wrong!Of course,he was wrong!He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 评价个18岁的女孩应该用哪些词语?如题 新颖点的词 美国话 英文差不多 美国话 说Hello 英文也是Hello耶 心灵捕手I'm proud of what I do.It was a conscious choice. (1/3)A two-year-old girl was run over by two cars and___(忽视)by 18 passer how to cancel the old gmail in my phone ,i need to make a new name 英语翻译 平分弧的直径垂直平分弧所对的弦对吗?不一定是同个圆 这个对吗:平分弦所对的弧的直径,它垂直于这条弦且平分这条弦 不耻什么意思 为人们所不耻是什么意思?谢谢!有没有更详细的解释? 为世人所不耻的意思 Find me,love me,no matter i'm in the dust or the light some of us went boating .some flwe kites and others played game句型转换 are you ready?are you ready? 100*15分之8用分数表示 什么叫IT?要做IT需要学会什么?我想知道是IT怎么来得!需要学什么才算IT 帮我看下哪个括号里的错了.怎么改,为什么.(Once) Tom and Melinda (more) into (their) new house,they (celebrate) with a party for their friends. nothingthatwas left undone by this country has contribute to it 翻译 下面去括号错误的是( )A.a²-(a-b+c)=a²-a+b-cB.5+a-2(3a-5)=5+a-6a+5C.3a-1/3(3a²-2a)=3a-a²+2/3aD.a³-[a²-(-b)]a³-a²-b 下面四个括号中有一个是错的,请帮忙改正,1.With less than three (inch) of rain (falling) in a (six-month) period,the farmers found it necessary (to irrigate) the land.2.The (principle) reason for the (great amount of) pollution is that 齐恒公登门访士产生了哪些积极影响