
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:04:08
英语翻译华帝 ,美的,乔森,邦太,帅康,万家乐,康派,红日,火王,海尔,迅达,翻译成英文燃气灶翻译成英文是什么 英语翻译日本、韩国的汽车品牌是如何翻译成中文的 翻译一个中文品牌名称 千羽翡丽 翻译成一个单词 Ms,与Miss的区别是什么啊?哪个是没有结婚啊?谢谢 Can you share my happiness with me 中happiness为什么不能用happy代替? 管不知道结没结婚的人在英语上叫MISS MR SIR My HappY eNdinG sHaRE WitH yOu翻译成中文 李红结婚前是MISS Li,结婚后是Mrs chen,因为她丈夫姓Chen,英语翻译 you may share your happy time with me miss结婚了吗 I am happy to share with Reason share□; Let me meet you!□ Happy; Let me know you!Joyful; Let me become friends with you! “关于弹簧测力计!”一弹簧测力计竖直悬挂时,给挂钩施力,示数为8N.若把测力计拿下来,用两手竖直拉测力计,每只手用力8N,那么,测力计的示数为多少N,为什么? 物理弹簧测力计的问题..某弹簧受到2N的拉力时,长度为13cm受到4N的拉力时,长度为16cm当受到5N的拉力时,长度为多少? What ____books do you like?A,kind B,kind of C,kinds D,kinds of With his help,the man ___ (able) finish his job.请问正确形式. ---Can you finish the job by youself? ---Yes.I have c___in myself. I am ( )busy,I can't finish ( )a difficult job.A so,so B such such C such,so D so,such 改错题1、The dog is very lovely .Let's bring it to home.2、Who child is that girl?One of the girls ___from England .a am b is c are d be what kind of books would you like?(改同义句) what kind of books () you () 英语.Lisa's dog is very lovely.___(it)hair is white and black. Jerry has a yeellow dog ,_____ is very lovely A its B it C he zadig voltaire这个牌子翻译成中文是什么意思 was there anybody present when the accident happened.present是什么意思 When I Get There 歌词 把she'my friend改成特殊疑问句改成特殊疑问句! What kind of books does your son like to read?Books (with pictures in them)对不对 What do you like doing和what kind of books do you like to do怎样理解?为什么一个要用进行时一个不用进行时? 一首女歌手唱的,英文的.里面的歌词有 you ..can make my dreams come ture my dear it's you.i need i love you i need i meet you .i need i want you i need i meet you ...i love you. 开头旋律和ses的dreams come ture是一样得,可能是翻唱得,好象是英文哎,一开头斗有歌词得,不是ses的dreams come ture.而且开头得旋律比ses得要强烈些.千万看清楚,不是ses得,只是旋律是得,1楼的,迩给得 Dreams come SES的歌曲 有一首歌里的歌词是if you belife dreams come ture,我不知道是什么歌,可以请各位告诉我吗?