
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:01:53
____ is this?-----This is Jim.A.Who B.Where C.What我觉得是A,可是又好像不通 ----_______is this?----this is our language lab A、What B、Where C、How 环保创模 我想对你说 Hey,buddy!If you have something to say,then say!If you have nothing to say,then go!这句话能翻译的华丽些吗? “Hey,buddy!lf you have something to say,then s“Hey,buddy!lf you have something to say,then say!lf you have nothing to say,then go!"谁能翻译成中文 朋友发的 哪里有voa慢速1分钟英语新闻 浏阳有哪些美丽的景色 求浏阳河畔风景的赏析文章, 景色优美的桥有哪些 the stars agree with your love as long as this is really what you want什么意 I have nothing to say是哪首歌里面的啊歌词啊 I have nothing to say我不懂英语,我想知道这句话的意思, I have nothing further to say. I have nothing to say to you 结构中TO YOU是句子什么成分? Here are 9 boxes.One of them is empty.It is in the middle.Lily puts a basketball in the box on the left hand side of the empty box.The watch box and the basketball box are in the same row.An apple box is inside of the box behind the empty one.The app He is You are Is not的缩写形式 they are的缩写形式 You don't have to do( A:anything B:something C:nothing D for Do you have _to do this Sunday?_ much.A anything; nothing B:anything;something 正确答案是什么呢 谢 do you have something/anything to tell me? Have you brought ( )with you? A something B anything C nothing D everything 选什么吖 what does this mean? 英语翻译Mexican organized crime groups not only sell in the United States,those cartels also use some of the money to huy high-powered weapons in the United States. 英语翻译But a recent study warned that more children than necessary are being exposed to radiation this way.VOA里看到的.children than necessary 应该如何理解. You have nothing to say反意疑问句 英语Huang Fei lives in Guangzhou.His penfriend Zhang Han lives in Xingjiang.This winter Zhang Han came to Guangzhou to see Huang Fei.They were happy to see each other.Now they are talking about the weather in their cities.Guangzhou is quite warm in Early birds catch I have nothing to say with you . I always believe in such a ___ that early birds catch the worm.A principle B saying C slang D opinion 小学英语阅读题(能翻译的加分~~~~~~~急!)Traffic problem used to trouble people badly in 1980s in Shanghai.At that time people said,” We prefer having a bed in Puxi than to having a flat in Pudong.’’It was because of the Huangpu E__birds catch the worm.空中添什么? The early brids catch the wormPlease give me a hand,thank you!