
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:20:32
发音不清楚怎么办?我现在13岁了,可是说话的时候,发音不清楚, 发音不清楚,怎么治疗. 模糊的读音模糊 这两个字的拼音音调 Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best.- David O.McKay I will find my new life with the strong you give me.求意思 Some of the best things that a city has offer can be found by mistake.原文翻译:城市里有些绝佳经典可能误打误撞发现的that a city --在这里怎么理解?has offer --在这里怎么理解请说说主谓宾? 帮我写一遍关于爱迪生的英语作文,包括三个方面1人物介绍2喜欢他的理由3启示大哥, buy是可延续性动词还是不可延续性动词?我们学到现在完成时,buy好像不可延续,但是老师讲一道题目时用到了have bought. 短暂性动词buy可以用while而shout不可以?while linda was buying anews paper ,the dog got out中的buy可以用while而when linda shouted his dog 's name ,somepeopar looked at her中的shouted不可以用while替代为什么呢? buy到底是持续性动词还是非持续性动词?我查资料都是说buy是非持续性动词.可为什么新概念第二册第四课有一句话是he has just bought an Australia car.如果buy是非持续性动词,为什么会出现在现在完 拉丁美洲的居民以什么血种为主?是以混血为主么? 为什么北美地区以白色人种为主,而拉丁美洲以混血人种为主 Yesterday afternoon my father( )the plane to Beijing on businness.A.caught.B.took My father left Beijing a week ago because of his new job,改为(在补充处)My father --- --- --- from Beijing for a week because of his new job 怎样写作交通安全从我做起的作文 以“遵守交通安全,从我做起”的作文 动词hope 的用法我想问一下是hope sb to do ,hope do sth .之类这种用法.我不太清楚 hope加单数第三人称后动词用什么形式I hope Linda (have) a good birthday party. hope作动词时后跟什么成分分别是什么意思 There aren't bananas and oranges on the table.这个句子错在哪里?只有一个错误地地方 There aren't any oranges on the table.这个句子对吗? There aren,t bananas and oranges on the table.错在哪 英语翻译 The most famous v________ in the world is the potato.It grows in many places and does not n______ as rich soil as many other crops.But until four hundred years ago the p______ was not known to Europeans.But today it is one of the main f______ in Euro try to 后跟动词原形么?呵& ought to 后跟动词原形吗? began to后跟动词原形吗 My father took me go outside play.若有请修改! my father used to ( )to go to woruk.by bus,take a bus,took a bus,takes a bus 太湖之滨英文Taihu Lake前面要加定冠词吗 英语翻译Lake of Autumn I remember quite clearly now when the story happened.The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground,recovering the lake,where we used to swim like children,under the sun was there to shire.That time we used t 帮忙写篇英语作文.题材不限.什么内容都可以.但是别太夸张了.很普通的就好了.本来想写暑假生活.但是暑假根本没去哪 写不出来.所以所以..随便想个.内容也想个普遍的.