
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:59:20
love的火星文是什么 请知道的人帮帮我,跟最大吸光度有关的知识~同一种物质在不同的溶液中最大吸光度是相同的,为什么我测的黑米红色素在乙醇,水,甲醇和乙醇混合液中都是540nm左右,唯独单独在甲醇溶液中最 五年级下册语文仿照鲸和松鼠写一个关于动物的作文!快 语文五年级第10课松鼠仿写,什么动物都行,要样子、比喻、和拟人句, 有一首歌开头是 baby stay with me stay with me tell the more you life ...darlin...开头大概就这样子的英文歌 自己听的 好象是一首dj串烧 (没有情人节的圣诞节) 在酷狗里听到的 谁知道歌名?女声 I hope I can live with you a life. Be with you for the whole life ()进书箱——咬文嚼字 老鼠爬进书箱里—咬文嚼字 它表达的含义是什么? I love you ,even if you are a pig! ”老鼠爬进书箱里——咬文嚼字“的由来 古诗词按题材分类比如:离别诗:赠汪伦 火星文是什么? what can your see in ma room?怎么回答 Please t_____ the new books to your room?根据句意及首字母完成单词 please( ) the new books to your room括号里是 T 开头的单词 . How do you like their swimming?swimming为什么不加S? 回答怎么是no one does better 而不是no one does well? Do you like swimming and skiing I like swimming.这句话是一句病句请改正! Why do you like summer? _____ I ______ swimming. 谁会写微波炉的说明文,至少400字快 Look!Your books are e----- on the floor.Please put them in the bookcase单词首字母是e, what do you like?I like ( ).怎么填?A swimming B swim C swims Do your fiends like _____?A.swims B.swim C.swimmingDo your fiends like _____?A.swims B.swim C.swimming在横线上填入恰当的选项并且告诉我为什么,不要太复杂.好的再加悬赏50分!Peter is ____English boy.A.a B.the C.an What do you like to do besides swimming?这句话有错吗?它给的参考答案是将swimming 改为swim,为什么? 英语翻译要火星文,好的我会给分, I hope you can give me I want happiness什么意思 i hope you can give me the happiness i 忌妒是什么,妒忌是什么,嫉妒又是什么,妒嫉又是什么? 嫉妒和妒嫉有区别吗?一直都分不清这两个词的却别在哪. 嫉妒,妒忌,妒嫉哪个才是正确的啊! 请问:形容食物少、难吃、没有营养的词?那形容少的呢? 一句话求翻译~Watch this space for more啥意思呀~谢~Artistic temperaments,like deranged ones,express themselves in very strange ways,indeed ,watch this space for more都翻译了就更好了~