
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:07:35
What do you do with your ears?的中文意思是什么啊 wireless switch is disabled.please turn on wireless.该如何操作呢? have you Recall that life that it is enough to have you. Enough to have you 什么意思 脑筋急转弯what can you see with your eyes shut Calm.I have you in my life is enough. 怎么读Calm.I have you in my life is enough.怎么读 谜语:what can you see with your eyes closed? What can you see with your eyes hurt? 连词成句eyes you your can what do with I look see can and 句型转换She does housework in the morning .(改为否定句) "门外吹喇叭"的四字成语 改为否定句:she does housework on sundays. 疯狂猜成语一个人吹喇叭一条彩虹 与重新打鼓另开张意思相近成语 What can you do with your mouth?怎样答? 根据音标写单词,∕pʌblik∕ ∕itəli∕ ∕pɔpjuleiʃən∕ ∕pʌblik∕ ∕træfik∕ ∕ædʌlt∕ ∕si:m∕ ∕stæmp∕ ∕tʃu:z∕ 要与我写的一一对应,要写中文 u的音标怎么写 根据音标写单词 迅速哦 /bAt/ 【A没有一横】/la:d3//ka://pa:k.//frAnt/ 【A没有一横】/ma:k//geu/ 【e是倒过来的】/bAs/ 【A没有一横】/baik//'kAle/ 【A没有那一横 e是倒过来的】/grei//gri:n/ On his way home,he found a bag ____(lie)on the groundThe printer___(paint)very quickly,so I like it very much the book,that I found on my way home please look on your book?找错 Please look ( ) what can you do?Please look ( ) what can you do?A.around B.about C.after can i look at your iphone 4s,please.改同义句can i()()()()your new iphone 4s,please Can I () a look at your computer ,please?A see B put C have D knowCan I use your book?A No problem B you're welcome C It's nice D great My mother is a housewife.She does ( ).A.all the housework B.the all housework 刚注册了个阿里吧吧英文站的会员``收费么?注册了个阿里吧吧英文站的会员``收费么?就是中国共应商出口服务``不收费吧``` 吧嘎的英文怎么说? 英语go的o发什么音标? 英语中的l在音标中念O吗?例如specialty [speFElti] 用金山词霸听的象 s be xu o ti 在问一下pe 是念be 还是 pe 英语音标o和u有什么不同啊打不出那边半圆的, 写一个含有字母x,y的五次三项式