
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:09:57
英语翻译Open up your mind and let me step insideRest your weary head and let your heart decideIt's so easy when you know the rulesIt's so easy all you have to doIs fall in lovePlay the game,Everybody play the game of loveWhen you're feeling down I'm sure he can play well in this game with our help.如何翻译? Spring Festival is in()or() 有关食物营养的作文.要400字以上 正在失去的那些东西 作文400字 __ the night __ Spring Festival(介词填空)(急!) "Peter,_____ should you di?You know?" "Mom,I know that Ishould__2__my bed.clean my room,do my " 我们因该尽量少吃肉,多吃蔬菜 we should _____ _____ ______less meat and more vegetabie should eat less 什么意思 My mom said I couid What should I get my mom for her birthday? 英语翻译1、I can't have any pets now because my mother hates them.2、our apartment is too small 3、I might even keep a pet parrot 4、probably5、during the week I'll look smart and probably will wear a suit.6、casually7、there are many famo 银河系中除太阳系外 还有哪些恒星系 太阳系外,银河系内有个星系离我们最近 Spring Festival 是用in还是 on at spring festival on spring festival急 诚恳高手帮个忙!两个短语到底哪个是对的啊?貌似我自己觉得都对 .但这之间又有什么细微的区别呢 感激 吃肉英文怎么写 银河系中除了太阳系还有什么恒星系不要说什么河外系,我说的是银河系中,除了太阳系还有什么系?叫什么名字?不要给我复制大段东西过来,我只要简短的答案! The Spring Festival前的介词是啥? 英语翻译麻烦那位高手帮忙翻译以下意大利文成中文或英文.LOS LOTES SON 100% AUTENTICOS,SALVO ACLARACION PERTINENTE.这应该是西班牙语。 谁有一些好的意大利姓氏,要意大利文加上中文翻译的,我写小说要用. she washes clothes every evening.划线部分提问she washes clothes every evening.对she划线部分提问 是改为who washes clothes every evening.还是who wash clothes every evening.还是别的什么为什么 英语翻译l'ho vista,ma è stato proprio brutto che sia gia superato la mia immagizionemi sembra che tu fossi diventato grasso continuamente ,incredibilesi dice che dopo il servizio militale,si diventa magro e neroma la verità è che non ho visto 初中英语练习 He likes to wear cotton clothes.(同义句) He likes to_____ _____ _____ clothes _____ __He likes to wear cotton clothes.(同义句) He likes to_____ _____ _____ clothes made of cotton. 英语翻译我爱你,高 .怎么翻译成意大利文 . Jenny likes to work in the bar in the evening.Jenny likes to work in the bar (in the evening).对括号里的部分提问 英语翻译Antidifterica dose 2Antiepatite B dose 2ANtihaemophilus infl dose 2Antipertossica dose 2Antipolio dose 2Antitetanica dose 2Poliomielite Difterite-Tetano-Pertosse Epatite B Hib 07 APR.2009 04 AGO.2009Anti-pneumococco Anti-pneumococcus 7 va 这是哪首歌的歌词it's late in the evening she's wondering what clothes to wear.这是哪首歌的歌词 还有作者 it's late in the eveningshe's wondering what clothes to wear.she puts on her make-up and hundres time brushes her hair.and the “一双眼睛百种看法”请你写出三个表示“往远处看或往高处看”的双音节词语 "一双眼睛百种看法"说明汉语词汇非常丰富.请你写出三个表示:往远处看或往高处看"的双音节词语. 已知椭圆上一点与两个焦点的距离之和为10,焦距是函数f(x)=x^2-6x-16的零点则椭圆标准方程为 美国次贷危机对我国资产证券化的启示有哪些?