
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:20:08
找一首英文歌 先是女声dont wanna hurt you.cos so hot .hold you.hard to understand没按顺序写啊然后是男声rap今天东方购物hp笔记本的时候听到的 Tom finds it`s important to learn Chinese wellTom finds it`s important to learn Chinese well 1.A friend is now repairing the piano in the workshop.2.They are building a new bridge over the river.3.The postman delivered a newspaper this morning.4.My mother gave me a present yesterday.5.The police have arrested the thief.6.He was typing a lett she can buy a new scarf.(改为一般疑问句 Tom is going to buy a new pair ______shoes we still couldn't decide_____with our difficulties in learning English 用how to deal还是what to deawe still couldn't decide_____with our difficulties in learning English用how to deal还是what to deal? We should keep our strength _________to meet with even more difficulties .A.in shop B.in case C.We should keep our strength _________to meet with even more difficulties .A.in shop B.in case C.in order D.in store 英语翻译Donating money to Forever Scholarship,sharing the 100th anniversary of Tsinghua University 在有机化学中脂化的条件及脂化的特点 英语翻译You often hear stories of messages in a bottle floating thousands of miles,but how often do you hear of people actually meeting up and making friends as a result?还有一句The two girls started writing to each other right away and have 大学有机化学杂化轨道?最近在学有机化,关于杂化轨道,有几点想不通:比方说 C 6个电子,第二层4个电子,分为 s 轨道和p轨道,每个轨道可以容纳两个电子,这么说它最外的四个电子被分配到 s两 英语翻译These type of pumps cannot be started against a closed head but opening the discharge block valve without the pump running would allow unacceptable back flow through the pump We would like to travel to an exciting place,在这个句子中为什么exciting前用an而不能用the?与to有关还是与exciting有关? 化学实验室用水杨酸制备乙酰水杨酸,1、乙酰水杨酸的制备属于哪种类型的反应?写出乙酰...化学实验室用水杨酸制备乙酰水杨酸,1、乙酰水杨酸的制备属于哪种类型的反应?写出乙酰氯为酰化 英语翻译Based on iterated integer cost movements between cost functions of different arities which preserve problem equivalence,local consistency offers all the services of local consistency in classical CSP. 同义句we would like to travel to an exciting placean exciting place 进行转化 They would like to see exciting films.(划线提问)exciting下划线 假如一架飞机停在空中不动,十二小时后它会到地球的另一边么? 飞机停在半空不动!今天坐车的时候看见天上有一架飞机 当时觉得奇怪 哪里怪也没反应过来 后来再一看 它竟然是静止不动的!还很大 离地面不远 应该是当起飞没多久 就这样停在半空中不动! 直升机空投物资时,可以停留在空中不动,设投出的物资离开飞机后,由于降落伞的作用在空中匀速下落,无风时落地速度为5m/s.若空投时飞机停留在离地面100m/s高处空投物资,由于风的作用,降 飞机在空中能停下不动吗? 英语翻译十一、也1、廉颇者,赵之良将也.2、沛公之参乘樊哙者也.3、是故燕虽小国而后亡,斯用兵之效也.4、师者,所以传道受业解惑也.5、鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也.6、雷霆乍惊,宫车过也. 英语翻译1.对了,安娜.你看了今天的报纸了没有?2.你是否注意到了一则彩色的海报?3.是关于一项登山活动的.4.这一活动是由登山运动俱乐部组织的,在周六清晨.你感不感兴趣?5.来吧,安娜.咱偿 Coming Back To You 歌词 great changes ahve taken place in the school which we once studied.这里的which作什么成分每天有空帮忙投上一票, 英语翻译百度知道一级没法贴图,过两天等升到2级了把出现这句话的图发上来,有图有JB。 I drank a fifth of vodka,you dare me to drive?a fifth of vodka是第五支伏特加的意思么? 英语翻译1 你没有必要今天就去那里.2 我在公共汽车上没有座位,因为车上很挤.3 你昨晚过的怎么样? Mary has got (three) chairs in her room.对括号内的内容提问 We asked him when he would be here again.这是宾语从句吗?when在什么情况下翻译为“何时”,什么情况翻译为“当……的时候” IPA国际音标 贝塔那个符号 浊双脣擦音 怎麼读怎麼发音的?如题 she asked you when( )again?Tell her that I'll let her know when he( )A.he came ,comes B.would he come ,will come C.he came, will come D.he would come , comes