
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:35:29
电视的好坏英语作文 初中说明文,500字.我最喜欢的一道菜.(是说明文啊) 写一篇关于阜新市第七中学的说明文.必须是说明文哦. 初中说明文范文有作文书上的最好,希望发点经典的范文,还有没?多发点范文! 详解激光打印机加热组件的热敏电阻和热敏开关的原理与作用? 急 ,可溶之碱有五位 钾钠钡氨钙微溶 氢硫亚硫溶三位 碳硅磷酸与上同 求有关探讨“时下电视真人秀”好坏的英语作文一篇 实验操作化学题图内的错误的操作各有什么影响?请写出, junk food is bad for our health.(改为同义句) junk food is _____ _____ ______ our health. Junk food isn`t g___ for our health _____填什么? Junk food is bad for healthy改同义句 Junk food is ( )( )( )our health As we all know,junk food ____________________(对……有害)our health.The doctor told him to ___________________(与……保持距离)rich food,alcohol and tobacco.________________(说实话),I don't think we have a chance of winning.The stud THE CHILDREN WENT SWIMMING LAST SUNDY 改为否定句 面跟碱盐的比例是多少啊拜托各位大神 戊烷有几种同分异构体?正`异`新 ,其结构是什么样子的 病毒的蛋白物质组成病毒的什么结构 初中化学中的危险操作 组成HIV病毒的物质主要是 化学酸碱盐溶解性顺口溜“钾钠铵盐硝酸溶,盐酸盐中除去银,碳磷酸溶钾钠铵,硫酸铅和钡不溶”是什么意思? Ok,take it easy,I believe he will soon be okay 请问翻译中文什么样? Take it easy .You will be better soon!.为什么不是Taking,不是动词做主语应该为动名词吗? when the only thing that will stop your baby crying is taking it for a drive怎么翻译啊? when they finish training,it will be easy then jobs 问号填什么 英语翻译When will the moon be clear and bright?With a cup of wine in my hand,I ask the blue sky.I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.I'd like to ride the wind to fly home.Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are m 水泥,沙子,石头的重量比是2:3:5,现在水泥,沙子,石头各有15t,当沙子用完时,水泥还余多少t?石头还要多少t 2:3:5,水泥,沙,石头,如果都有18吨,当沙用完时,水泥剩多少,石头要增加多少 一种混凝土的水泥、砂子、石头的质量比是2:3:5,配制20吨这样的混凝土,需要水泥、砂子、石头各多少吨?算式是什么啊 Tom's pencil-box i beautifu.But ___is more beautifuitha ___. A:my.he B:mine,his C:mine,himD:my,his Carl's_______is a________.Tom's______is a _________.Li Ming's_________is beautiful. 只有钾,钠,钙,钡对应的碱为强碱? take a waik怎样翻译 英语翻译Anyway for her study she’s takingsomehighschoolstudentswhoaren’t doingverywellin their classes and testing them to find out what their learning styles are.