
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:54:10
TVD第三季第12集stephen说 you are better than him,elena,you are better than both of us, study the changes in their 翻译 F function is arule that changes one number into another.什么意思? 英语翻译motor,pm dc motors can be classifed accroding to commutation scheme and armature design.conventional dc motors have mechanical brushes and commutators.in one important class of dc motors the commutation is done electronically this type of salad的英文定义:________,especially lettuce,cucumber,and tomato.据说第一句要填很长,我晕了QWQ.大家帮帮忙啊~~各位高手们帮下我吧~!我已经没办法了~谢谢! 匿名评论求解释 怎样匿名评论呢 A wolf is very d____. 卜算子 永梅的句子的意思是 将毛泽东“卜算子 永梅”上阕改写成100字左右的短文.可突出某一方面,力争有点诗 I get a book 这句话对吗 May () got a Chinese bookA.is B.has C.have psychologist是什么意思 day的近义词是什么? day的近义词 匿名用户?什么意思? Infinite - 那年夏天in The Summer 中文歌词求Infinite-in The Summer 歌词大意.3Q! ta me to the star中文意思 融洽,笑容可掬近义词,反义词? after 匿名的意思是什么? 漉 这个字读什么? don't make a scene 牌子Day lily的化妆品吗? make a donation是什么意思 我的世界未知实体种类是神马? 英语翻译 为什么不能选非谓语B而选A?The way the guests_______ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.A. were treated B. treated C. would treat D. would be treated答案A 请学霸及时解答T_TT_TT_T 门里面加个王念什么 门里面加个或念什么 外面是个门字里面是个昏字~这个字念什么如题