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几道英语选择题与填空题( )1.-I called you this moring,but nobody answered. -I_____ the flowers in my garden at that time.A.watered B.was watering C.water D.am watering( )2.It___ 《钢铁是怎样练成的》、《骆驼祥子》和《朝花夕拾》的填空题20 简答题2题在3本书中随便出题 填空20道 选择20道 简答2道 骆驼祥子 十道填空题. 《骆驼祥子》选择题、判断题各20个, 有关骆驼祥子的填空题要多点 求《骆驼祥子》二十个选择题 填空题(1)、(2)题 证明(2)选择题及填空题 《全部》(1-7题!) 2.3.4.,二、填空题:1.怎么写? 2 填空题 4 5 6 填空题2 几道初中化学填空题1、由不同种( )组成的( )叫做化合物.石灰石( )化合物,因为_______.2、有一种元素组成的物质[填一定或不一定]( )是单质,例如:______________________;由不同种元素组成组成 1.下列各组物质在水中充分溶解后过滤,滤纸上有两种不溶物的一组是( )A.氯化钙,硝酸钙,碳酸钠 B.硫酸铜,硝酸铜,氢氧化钡 C.氯化钙,硝酸钡,氢氧化钠 D.氯化铁,氢氧化钾,氯化钡.2.硬度最高的金 如右图所示,烧杯中盛有质量相等、质量分数相等的稀盐酸,天平调平后,同时向其中分别加入等质量的锌片和铁片,则从反应开始到金属完全反应的过程中,天平指针指向的变化是A.向左偏 B. 1.You have a good room,I should say.But it's not as big as___.(A) mine (B) I (C) me (D) my 2.What is the train _____ to Birmingham?(A) cost (B) fee (C) fare (D) tip 3.Tom,what did you do with my documents?I have never seen such a ______ and disorder! ( )14.Let’s ______ tell him.A.not B.doesn’t C.don’t D.aren’t( )15.Where ____they eat breakfast last weekend?A.does B.do C.did D.doing 1:I haven't got a car.Neither----IA :have B:do C:has2:ON the table there are vegetables,meat and two large------.A:bowl of rices B:bowls of rice C:bowls of rices3:We often have------supper at homeA:us B:our C:ours4:This watch is-----that one.A:as exp The police officer was ____ of not trying to prevent the crime from happenning.a.reminded b.informed c.accused d.warnedThe foggy weather lasted for weeks, ______ serious traffic problems frequently.a.causing b.caused c.having caused d.to cau 英语选择题部分,求答案+理由 ,(2) This isn’t the most difficult one of the new words that ______ me in the passage.A.puzzled B.puzzles C.is puzzling D.have puzzled limf(x)= x->0+ p/3q(p)=15e It was his wife's encouragement that had____him through the bad times.A:delivered B:led C:sent D:brought 科学填空题.1.把一叠棋子放在桌子上,用一根薄塑料尺贴着桌面迅速打击底部的棋子.(1)实验结果是被击中的棋子_________,其他棋子_________.(2)实验结果的正确解释是:这堆棋子原来都处 填空题 寻求解题过程. 好心人帮帮吧若(m+x^3)(2x^k)=—8x^18,m=--------------------------------------,k=---------------------------.过程列 填空题:1、利民工厂今年第一季度就完成了全年计划的五分之二.(1)第一季度完成了全年计划的( )%(2)还剩计划的( )%没有完成(3)如果要超额完成计划的10%,那么,后三个季度 一点填空题. 高二化学选择题(有好评)下列叙述正确的是( )A.在高压氧气下血红素的携氧量会下降B.登上山顶时血液中血红素的携氧量会比在平地时高C.若血液pH值为7.4,则血红素的携氧量会比pH值为 下列物质有固定熔点的是( ) A,干冰 B,水泥 C,石英 D,玻璃 12.13题. 12,13,14选择题 12,13,14好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评好评