
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:53:01
科学八下问题图A右边的瓶子叫什么 八下科学的问题1.下列物质发生分解反应生成物质全部为氧化物的是 【】A.铜绿受热分解 B.蜡烛燃烧 C.离锰酸钾受热分解 D.白磷自然2.下列说法中正确的是 【】A.二氧化硫分子中含有两个氧元 八下科学问题,交流发电机的工作原理:当线圈平面与磁感线平行时,——磁感线(填有否切割),线圈里——电流(填是否产生).当线圈平行与磁感线平行时,——磁感线,线圈里——电流 存兑汇票是什么东东?具体含义一定要说的详细点啊. specials,come,and,your,today,get ------ 连词成句 breakfast,has,Mary,and,porridge,eggs,for上边那是两个句子 分子动力学模拟中,梯度是什么东东?有什么含义与能量一起算出的梯度是什么东东 OG是什么东东?我是托福初学者,有人给我推荐这个,可是我对他一点概念还没有..感谢您的答复^_^ 池塘里的水深2米,月球到地球的距离为3.84×10∧5千米,则低头看到水中的像与水面的距离为多少千米. 月亮距离地球384400千米,在平静的池塘的水面形成了月亮得像,已知池塘水深2.8米 his uncle smoked in the past,but now he does‘t的同义句his uncle --smoke.(两个空) 平静的水池,水深2m,月球到水面的距离为380000km,夜晚是边的人看到月球在水中的 用所给单词的适当形式填空 My father (use) to smoke a lot,but now he doesn't He doesn't m__ a lot of money but he e__ his life My father used to smoke.But now he doesn't.合并为一句提示:此题有两种表达方式My father_ _ _ _.My father_ _ _.一个”_”填一个词 He doesn't smoke and he doesn't drink He ___ ____ ____ ____(填4词)同义句转换 Can you tell me ________ you have learned from this lesson?what that if which She has been _______with illness for many years.developing struggling working on beating They ________ John the first prize.awarded offered rewarded gave She asked her husb 最好是直接解答,也可以给我在线问答 一只电熨斗的电阻是1210欧,接入家庭电路时,通过他的电路时-----安,直至电熨斗的功率是------W 选择提,初二物理 初二物理和 历史的提分方法 初二物理题------------请帮忙1.接在36伏电路中的用电器,在3分内流过它的电量是1250库,则电流所做的功是多少焦?用电器耗的电能是多少焦? he,to,went,bed,at,past,half,ten组成句子 it was half past eleven()i went to bedA.that B.when C. before D. since答案是B.想问一下这个句子为什么不是强调句啊? They won't go home,______?为什么?A.Won't B.will they c.don't they D.do Few people like such books,( A do they B.will they C.don't they D.won't they. Amy often played soccer in the past改为同义句) Amy ________ _________ play soccer. ____Tom___help his father in the gardon?---I'm afraid he have toA,Does,need B.Has,need to C.Does,have to D.Has,has to A.smoke,smoked B.smoking,have smoked C.smoke,have smoked.D smoking,smoked.I used to be addict to_.i _ for about 5 years,i thought i should break the bad habit. dose your father quit smoking?yes,but he ( )for almost ten years A smoked B has smoke为什么选A 怎么翻译啊 smoke和smoking在作名词时有什么区别? Thanks for coming改为同意句