
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:32:01
the piece of用法 trend micro officescan real-time monitor是什么 it was not long____he got to know it.A.when B before C.after D until It was not long before I forgot it all.这句话是:我忘记它的前不久; 还是:我刚刚忘记它? 红十字会会给遭受洪水灾害的人们提供了一些食物.people suffered form the flood were provided__some.. He found out some students( )games last sundayA.plays B.played C.play D.playing if this were done ,it would be a way to create all of the power people need 归纳我国地理位置在气候、农业、国际交往上有何优越性,并完成下表.是 苏教版 八年级上册 第一单元的题目 告诉我怎么写吧.发展农业生产 我国南北跨越纬度广,气候差异大,为发展多 success means that you get the respect of other people? 这句话对吗?这句话是全对,还是全错,还是有的时候对啊?ps:不是改错! 是这句话的理解。。。 而且,这句话本身是对的,of other people 是respect的定 分析句子结构,it's vocational , which means that we train people in specific skills that they co...分析句子结构,it's vocational , which means that we train people in specific skills that they could use in a job . 分析一下这句话Often that means hooking people up with services offered by other city agenciesOften that means hooking people up with services offered by other city agencies这句话的主语 谓语 是什么 这是什么从句?从句中的主 —―five minutes to go before the last bus left,we arrived at the station B With C Within空 在最开始请高手指导下吧,谢谢了 有 a piece of grassland 这种用法吗? chairs,the,clean,desks,and,let's 整理成句子 let' s clean the desks and chairs.All right!翻译成中文是什么? 请把下列句子连成祈使句.(1)please,clean,desks,chairs,and,the(2)have,any,water,don‘t,dirty(3)listen,at,to,music,home,the(4)have,sweet,apple,please,juice,some(5)to,shanghai,let,go,library,us,sunday,on Les Grands Parfums de France 在一个长方形的盒子上看到的. 为什么法国还有一个别名Les Bleus?以前没见过这个别名,今天看欧洲杯历史时说1984的冠军是Les Bleus,查字典没有这个词,再往下细看才发现是说法国.Les Bleus有什么典故?中文里有没有对应的译法? 法国的les halles是什么意思 The book must be ( ) (her),because her name is on it they are their erasers 改为一般疑问句 一般疑问句回答 yes,they are 不能缩写,但后边跟其他的能缩写吗? Far more than the well-being He said his father ____ (die) in 1985 This kind of skirts sells very well.为什么不是This kind os skirts are sold very well.使用被动语态 we are the best friend 把be动词的正确形式填空.Li Ming's mother and aunt----women 英文翻译“在这个日新月异的世界,如果你不读书,你将永远跟不上时代的步伐” 穷则思变,变则通 是谁说的?是毛主席先说的这句话么? 已知双曲线图像的顶点,如何尺规作图找焦点? RT△ABO的顶点A是双曲线Y=Y/X与直线Y=-X-(K+1)相交点,已知△AOB的面积为3/2,求这两个图像的函数解析式.如果把反比例的函数解析式算出来是Y=-3/2,怎么求一次函数的解析式?K的值一样吗? 关于《浮生六记·闲情记趣》的几个问题开头是 余闲居,案头瓶花不绝. 的这篇.①:案头瓶花不绝的绝字什么意思.②:觅螳螂蝉蝶之属的属什么意思.③:如其法行之的行什么意思.④:不亦善