
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:29:39
应该是Sorry for the poor condition还是sorry about the poor condition There is no point(0talking about it again after marking a decision.选项in,on,about,off. There is no point getting ( )about it.A disturb B worry C upset D trouble 选什么? I’m disappointed with the new officers elected in our club,but there is no point _______ about itA.with us worryingB.if we worryC.in worryingD.to worry 叶绿体中合成ATP的能量来源是什么?合成的ATP用于干什么?释放的氧气的来源是什么?CO2除大气外还来源于什么?(2) 线粒体中合成ATP的能量来源?合成的 ATP用于?吸收的氧气除来自大气外还来源于 (1) 在分列过程中.染色体发生的一系列形态变化和活动都是与( )相适 应的.染色体的活动决定于( ).(2) 分裂产生的子细胞之所以与原来的子细胞具有相同的特征是因为( ). 从主动脉基部的左右两侧发出的两条血管叫__________ 因为果实可以()种子,不同特点的果实利于种子的()所以被子植物比裸子植物更适应()生活,分布更(),种类更(). 全世界人都仿佛在喊着要战胜自己,那到底是战胜自己的什么呢? 人要如何通过反省来战胜自己,以获得成功? 站在员工角度处理 英语怎么说 1、My father ( )(read) a newspaper now.2、What does she ( )(like)?动词的正确形式填空 用括号中动词的适当形式填空:3、They ( )(catch)butterflies now.4、My father ( )(work)in his office. l like watching_____(life)show life is like live TV show .整句话为什么like不加ing? Ms与Mrs的区别英语 【风筝···· 升起】造句子 1、(1)例句:这一点火是不会熄灭的.它将永远燃着,正像一个母亲的眼泪,正像一个儿子的英勇,那样永垂不朽.仿写:_____________________________________________________________(2)例句:当一个人怀疑自己的 猴子的下列各组细胞中 肯定有y染色体的是1.受精卵和次级精母细胞2.受精卵和初级静母细胞3.初级精母细胞和雄猴的神经元4.精子和雄猴的肠上皮细胞生物在紫外线,电辐射影响下可能发生突 生物题目求生物帝解答肾小管病变,会导致尿液()抗利尿激素() 豌豆圆粒种子(R)对皱粒种子(r)为显性,种皮(G)对(g)为显性,现将基因型为GgRr的枝株连续自交三代,所结种子的表现型和比例为?4种 45:35:27:21请问比例是怎么算出来的? I really like this bracelet want to have Talent like this is really 写词语 例:飘飘悠悠______ 填叠词 飘飘( ) 悠悠( )( )直跳 英语改错题 快Good luck to youe English .I think you can learn it well. 英语改错题啊!1、Please takes these notebooks to Ben‘s sister2、Can you take your computer game here,Jim 英语改错题,我急Music is the international languare.The sung(singing)★or playing by instruments are beautiful to peope everywhere★Popular music in America is that every student(s) likes ..Students carry radios witg earphones,but(and)listen 英文改错题,每行均有一个错误,请找出来As we are in the new millennium,it is heartbreak to know that hundred and thousands of children are still seriously affected disasters all over the world.Children suffer the least in these disaster 连词成句 practice,after,guitar,I,often,the,supper. 连词成句 play after guitar i often the dinner after supper,he practices his guitar.(对after supper部分提问)