
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:20:51
I told him that I had lost my money and that I would find it间接引语改为直接引语 怎么改 把下列句子变为直接引语 1.i told him that i had lost my money and that i would find it.2.she asked whether i would be free the next day or not.3.i asked her where she was going and what she was going to do the next day.4.his father told him 《这片土地是神圣的》,面对这片土地,我们要保护好 ,保护好 ,保护好 . 对这片土地是神圣的的理解急 这片土地是神圣的充满着对这片土地的什么和什么 the boy forgot when he should take the medicine.the boy forgot _____ ______ take the medicine. Please tell me what should do.Please tell me( )( )( ). Please tell me what I should do.这句话怎样改为简单句? i (),so i didn‘t know where i was 这个句子填was lost.我们应该把它理解成was/were doing过去完成时还是,be+形容词,为什么那么理解请帮助 英语翻译是翻译成 ①我不知道我去了哪里.还是 ②我不知道我要去哪里. 满意的给100分七年级上册的英语教案,要go for it新课标的那种版本的.说明教学步骤的 某花店在母亲节期间出售甲、乙、丙三种类型的花束,每种花束的鲜花搭配情况如下所示 红玫瑰 康乃馨 勿忘我 黄色康乃馨花束颜色搭配我用纸做了7朵黄色康乃馨想扎成一束花束后拿去参加学校的艺术节,但不知道如何搭配,请各位大虾帮帮我,我该用什么颜色的包装纸和丝带,要不要加上些配花,例如勿 花店里有72枝红玫瑰和48枝白玫瑰,扎成花束出售.如果要把红玫瑰、白玫瑰平均分在每束花中……帮忙解决!花店里有72枝红玫瑰和48枝白玫瑰,扎成花束出售.如果要把红玫瑰、白玫瑰平均分在每 花店里有两种玫瑰花,3元可以买4枝红玫瑰,4元可以买3枝黄玫瑰,红玫瑰与黄玫瑰的单价的最简整数比是多少? 花店里有72枝红玫瑰和48枝白玫瑰,扎成花束出售.如果要把红玫瑰、白玫瑰平均分在每束花中,最多可以分成多少束?每束花有多少枝? You know I just think they didn’t see the talent that I had,这句英语是什么意思?谁知道这句话的意思?我急用! I didn't understand, now know that love a person will always see only merit是什么意思? i don t know和I didn't know的区别什么时候用don't,什么时候用didn't why didn't I see that? my father wasn't at home last night改成一般疑问句 这片土地是神圣的 “这片土地”指的是_________________ “这片土地的是神圣的”是因为_________________ 什么化学品对塑料制品伤害大 Do+you+have+any+time+tomorrow?怎么读 用塑料制品( 杯子 袋子)乘高温食品是否有害?如果不能避免应该怎么减少对身体危害?(比如吃什么食物可减少危害) 怎样检测塑料制品残留在食物中的有害物质(如豆浆机内部是塑料的 在高温加热后会不会有有害物质残留) She doesn't know ( )She doesn't know ( )A what she csn doB where would she go C whose book is thisD why is he late 她不知道该选择哪本书.(翻译成英文)She doesn't know ___ ___ ___ ___. she doesn't know ___next .A.to do what B.what to do C. what do D.do to what 写解释 She can say English,but doesn't know Chinese.对不起 我忘说明了 让找一处错误 I know why she doesn't 是对的吗 have you got time tomorrow afternoon?A.of course not B.it's certain C.you can say that againd.why?i'll stay at home请问,该题正确吗?该选哪个?