
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:11:03
以我最喜爱的一件工艺品为题的作文明天就要交了,快点啊以说明文的形式写,字数最好多点 I don't have money to buy the computer同义句I ------- ---------the computer同义句We sell shoes for 2 yuan each at the clothes store.You can------- shoes -------the price of 2 yuan each at the sports store.同义句啊 ~~! I have a computer. He has a computer,too同义转换 I have a computer.he_ _a computer He has computer skills还是He have computer skills?后面的Sills是复数,那么动词不是应该用have.印象中后面的词是复数会影响前面的动词的. miss a的good bye baby mv 讲的什么故事 If should see you,after long year .How should I greet,with silence and tears ,请帮我翻译下, 合同中的这句怎么翻译?The term of this Contract shall be one year. 洋务派,顽固派,维新派的人物及其思想和意义. 顽固派 维新派 保守派 洋务派 立宪派.后天考试啦...赶紧...RT,后天历史会考以上几个派别 出现时间 产生背景(即原因) 代表人物还有李鸿章 曾国藩 康有为 梁启超 .等等等等都是干嘛的?帮我整 完成以下句子,用too,very或enough填空.1、I couldn't speak yo the boss.He was _________busy.2、I couldn't go out.It was _________cold for me to go out.3、I could answer all the questions,They were___________easy.4、Is that suitcase light _ work from the inside out.怎么翻译 英语翻译The completed contracted work scopes shall be handed over to MMI cleaned and free of debris by(*) 12 am hrs on 15 March 2010 OH,MAY BABY YOU AND ME 神马意思OH,MAY BABY YOU AND ME.是神马意思? BABY U什么意思 You will be for the high jump.神马意思?中文 From top to bottom 什么意思 Started From The Bottom-Drake 歌词的中文意思Started From The Bottom-DrakeStarted from the bottom now we hereStarted from the bottom now my whole team fucking hereStarted from the bottom now we hereStarted from the bottom now the whole team her 百日新政、戊戌变法、维新运动有什么区别? 日本维新与戊戌变法和新文化运动相同点 不同点 英语翻译The shares represented by this certificate have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933,as amended.The shares have been acquired for investment and may not be offered,sold or otherwise transfered in the absence of an effectiv 起个男英文名,和中文名相近的yu long (You Yu Long)游淯龙 英文名怎么改好啊?求帮手! 薛的英文名 YU开头的英文名多一些,要含义和发音(翻译成中文),我是女生. Henry is often seen----English aloud every morning in the classroomA read B reads C reading D to read请告诉我正确答案和为什么,句子的意思, English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.A.read B.reading C.to read D.readed This is Ted's photo.We miss him a lot.He_______while trying to save a child in the earthquakea killed b is killed c was killed d was killing we are trying to save the manatees 翻译是什么? This is Ted’s photo.We miss him a lot.He ________ trying to save a child in earthquake.A.killed B.is killed C.was killed D.was killing 为什么选C不选A 初一英语下册课文Let's Save the Elephants 英语翻译 初一下册英语课文Let's Save the Elephants译文?急