
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:17:36
In China,some people like take-away food,also(有一处错误,请找出并订正) She(like,likes)Chinese stamps.We like(take,taking)pictures.These are(stamp,stamps)I have an(American,Americe)stamp 跟ups and downs类似结构的还有哪些 BETTY BOOPS UPS AND DOWNS怎么样 A:( )we go to the palace Museum tomorrow? B:That's a good idea.把情态动词添在( )里.一定要对! That is a very good idea of(yours/you)选哪一个?yours?you?是 你的是一个非常好的主意or你是一个有好主意的人or其他?是不是有个句型It ……(kind、friendly)of you 所以选you哪?到底谁对那?你已经7级 let is go camping. that is 什么 good idea 体会《离骚》的深刻意境,了解诗句所包含的爱国情感,写心得体会.50~100字,最好是自我创作,谢谢~~我要得到可使用的答案,发泄的话...待我找到答案在发泄吧~ 读句子,注意带点的部分,你从中体会到什么,写写你的理解与感受.为了不让敌人发现群众和联队主力,班长马宝玉斩钉截铁地说了一声:“走!”带头向棋盘陀走去。在斩钉截铁下面有点。他 no zuo no die的后一句英语 刘媛媛no zuo no die no life演讲稿 I work late .I' m very busy when people go out to dinners .翻译段落!现在!立刻!马上!要用 starting (to) work early is good for people.为什么要 把to 去掉?start to do ​是搭配呀 不怕千万人阻挡,就怕自己认输.正确的英文翻译. 沙特阿拉伯最具特色的是什么?下周的口语演讲中,我要为大家介绍沙特阿拉伯这个国家,大概5到7分钟,因为时间短,所以内容要精练,我想知道沙特阿拉伯最具特色的是什么,什么是有趣的,值得一 读了,你有什么感受?用几句话写下来. 用people,a,feel,sick,few连词成句是 People feel a few sick.还是A few people feel sick.谁能说说? 法国南部沿海属于__气候?美国人口主要分布在___和___ 美国农业特点为___和___ 澳大利亚的什么矿产丰富?亚马孙平原属于_____气候____被称为“地球之肺”将要采取投票方式,决定最佳答案, the head of the company saw all this 急求几句最常用的英语粗口! The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort________ he returned to his office.A.until B.whileC.by the time D.the moment 【选择题】Their teacher wanted his students to learn to()a drama.A.createB.writeC.produceD.compile除了C,各项意思都似乎可以,该选择哪项呢?求分析~ It is unnecessary for students to like their teacher in an attempt to learn the knowledge.以上句子与"It is unnecessary for students to learn the knowledge to like their teacher."一样吗? the teacher-------------his students to hand in their compositions before Friday知道是选told, ____only 15 minutes to go before the plane took off,i left uneasy in the taxi to the airport.A because B with C for D asthe answer is B, As usual,the china police will have a difficult time.求翻译 If you have to take a bus to a place far away,try to get to the stop a few minutes before the bus__A. stops B. comes 选什么 why will the police have a difficult time意思 try to get to the stop a few minutes before the bus ____ A.carries B.takes C.comes 选什么 there were over 20 minutes left before the bell rang 这句话怎么翻译 left 又怎么翻译 Michael comes to school on foot(改为疑问句和肯定句) Jane goes to school by bus(改为疑问句和肯定句 来个英语语法高手~It has been _____a year since we last heard from him.It has been _____a year since we last heard from him.A.for B.within C.after D.over这是高中语法书上的历年真题 翻译为 自从最后一次收到他的信已经