
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:16:03
It was _C we had hoped A more a success than B a success more than_D_dull he may be,he is certainly a very successful top executive.A Although B whatever C As D However 为什么as不对啊 孔子的富贵观 论语中体现孔子怎样的富贵观?简短精悍!一两句话概括! Match with match..You certainly deserve..If you don't deserve it.Who deserve?帮个忙. 复数Re(z),Im(Z)是英文缩写吗?如果是,怎么写?没有补充 英文缩写词可不可以带复数?可不可以转行?同上 Someone can help me to write "Literature Review of one cultural theory,15000 words in English 英文的“分钟”简写后成min,如遇到复数,后面加s吗,是20min?还是20mins? write an essay in which you tell us about someone who has made an impact on your life and explain how and why this person is important to you. do anyone can help me to write an essay about " Language and Identity" thank you very much~ take you take you time. You'll just never know,I love you very very much. 谁知道“take time before time take you”的意思答对了追加分 you deserve happiness是什么意思?能翻译成你值得拥有么?你值得拥有 用英语怎么说? 孔子的仁义可以分为哪几方面 Please help me to write a dairy...February 3rd ...Today,I went to temple fair and saw... Who could help me to write a composition?The topic is "Write about a recent happening which taught you the importance of resposibility" .You should write at least 250 words.Thanks a lot how to pay 30 points to you documentary改为复数形式 boy改为复数形式 big反义词 GO反义词 young反义词 does not缩写形式 若not only but also出现在从句的开头,是否用倒装啊 宾语从句中that后跟ONLY要不要引起倒装?比如说 He told me that only with work hard could your dream be come ture. 这样对吗? 去掉that 的话可不可以 姓氏涂怎么读 “夜”作为姓时的发音在贾平凹的小说《白夜》中男主人公的姓是“夜”,其中曾提到这个姓念“黑”,也说有人念“墨”.想知道这个字的作为姓时的真正发音是什么. 价电子对的几何构型与分子的空间构型为什么不同 milked pulled(不同) picked cooked的音标为什么不同? cooked milked washed 找读音不同 milked watched watered cooked 找不同音 What ( ) do you want to say?A.also B.else C.still D.yet选哪个? 有没有ASK SB NOT TO DO STH “纪晓岚”中“纪”怎么读,它是姓氏的时候只有一种读音么 用价层电子互斥理论推测XeF4 XeF6分子的几何构型 only加宾语位于句首时后面主语和谓语既可用倒装语序也可用陈述语序求大神指点怎么理解.并给例句谢谢!