
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 11:41:23
这是什么花, Both of them wanted to l____ the torch for the 2008 Olympic GamesBoth of them wanted to l____ the torch for the 2008 Olympic Games中间应该填什么随便翻译下. He made the s_____ that we should carry on our conversation in English这里填suggestion,可是这里should一定是虚拟语气吗,填个summary之类的可以吗should可不可以解释成“应该”的意思?整句话是“他做了个总结我 songs thst make our hearts happy can make themstronger too.有一篇以这个开头的阅读, our hearts are wild creatures.That's why our ribs are cages.这句话的意思. be likely to \ be said to \be supposed to 我想问这些词组这么写对不对,需不需要都加to/都加be,是不是只有这么写这些词组才"完整"? 英语翻译某先生:贵公司7月12日来函认为我方报价过高,令人感到遗憾.我们一直在研发皮包制作的新工艺目的就是在不影响质量的条件下尽可能降低价格.鉴于所报皮包的优良质量,我公司并不 I was wondering if it would hurt to ask the doctor这句话如何翻译? 请问"CIS countries"应怎样翻? 中国的古代历史是从哪一年到哪一年?中国的古代历史,近代历史和现代历史有什么特点?答案要权威一些,答的好我会加20分 You'd better ask your mother whether is it cheap enough before you try it on.改错~ 要拍一段自我介绍的DV,开头应该如何才有创意? 什么事CIS? 企业形象策划! 帮我想个英文名吧,要好记一点的,大众化也没关系 (PS:我是女的) 帮忙起个好听的英文名(PS:女)嘻嘻,只要好听不要绕口的.我比较喜欢活力一点的.最好不要B开头.就这么多.希望有更多的人来回答(答好会有额外奖励分) 共产主义儿童团团歌 Not me,you ,your English really is rubbish什么意思 《齐桓公伐楚》泽文 英语翻译 "HK" is the short from for_____别太慢 齐桓公伐楚引发了哪些故事? 齐桓公伐楚的三条理由 -----I'm Nancy .May I have your name?---- Call me Jo ,____Joanna.A.short for B.short ofC.for short D.in short 请说明原因 happy shop 的翻译 山东北镇中学初中部现在是从几年级开始啊我妹妹现在上5年级,想初中去北镇中学上, Johnny Smith was a good math student at .文段的中文 John smith was a high school student and he was quite good at math.不好意思,我要的是它的全文~ for most people在句中充当什么成份1.for most people,learning is a slowly,steady process 中 for most people 充当什么成份,如果是状语,是什么状语,结果状语还是其它...2.to most people newly arriving in the USA,the first imp 句中后半部分“most people still hold that ones ”中的“ones”指代不明?如何改正才正确?2.Although there is a profound effect regarding the progress of science and technology is highly beneficial to human society in the 21st centu 英语翻译Divano 捣毁所有的幸福 Divano re 和美好的企盼,Divano blessi 阴影笼罩 Divano blessia 迷离莫辨 Divano blessia 你也把我击倒; Divano 灾难降临 Divano re 我赤裸的背脊 Divano blessia 被你无情地碾压.Di 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求用英语怎么说