
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:40:13
60.I think your bedroom needs _____.A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.being cleaned我在纠结应该是to clean还是to be clean该主动还是被动,答案居然选了C 无语我想知道不定式被动要怎么用?我怎么好像看到一些句子 帮个忙吧!第3,4题做一下? 这些题有会做的帮个忙 急求中文地址翻译成英文,四川省 成都市 青羊区 蜀风路228号 ,5栋1单元 12楼 03号 07年6月英语三级查分号码?今年英语三级查分号码是多少?急!急!急! 可能对你们来说so easy 有机化学问题:已知阿司匹林是由水杨酸和乙酸酐合成的在生成乙酸水杨酸的同时水杨酸分子间也可能发生聚合反应,生成少量聚合物(副产物)问:(1)生成聚合物的化学方程式———— Anyone作为先行词时,关系代词用哪个who,that,还是别的? 当先行词是everybody,关系代词用that还是who? 根据句意及所给的英文解释与单词,补全句子.1.Was her answer to the question________ (correct in every detail)?-Yes,it was.根据首字母填空.2.The s________ showed that 30% of the students in our class usually don't have breakfast. 英语非谓语动词求解释第二题啊 正方体中,M点B1A在上,点M自B1向A运动过程中,C1M和平面A1C1D所成的角如何变化? 高一几何,帮帮我::>_ 在直三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,CC1=AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,P是AA1的中点,Q是AB的中点(1)求异面直线PQ与B1C所成角的大小(2)若直三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1的体积为1/2,求四棱锥C-BAPB1的体积 高一空间几何 英语翻译已收到您的样品,但是请等待我们的通知再安排生产大货,因为我们暂时还未收到大货布料. 为什么角ACB会等于角ACP+角PBC? 如下句子请帮忙译一下,Lena came to America in a bad hour.Michael's father had lost job and his mother was ill.But Lena was not worried.She had had a hard time in Hungary and was glad she had come to a new country.She did not know what a hard 我听力对了17个 但听力填词只对了3个听句子对了一个半吧快速阅读对了5个选词对了7个完型对了9个翻译对了2个阅读对了9个作文一般.同志们 我能过么 按这个分数. 山东省东营市09年英语四级准考证地区号是多少 [英语]根据句意补全所缺的单词I am Miss He,our photo club(1)_______(meet) on every Thursday afternoon(2)_______2:30p.m.(3)_______4:40 p.m.Last week,we(4)________(enjoy) a picture show in the museum.All the (5)_______(student) liked them ve 今天考英语四级没底 怕不过 有好心人帮我看看 能过吗 求安心作文水平不怎么高 但60分是没什么问题 快速阅读错6题 听力拼写单词和句子全错翻译只是每题写了一些不全 完型填空错2题 阅读 英语问题: 根据句意填写单词1、This pair of football boots is too____.2、Last Sunday a group of students gave a fashion show to ____ money for Project Hope.3、What size do you ____? Size 30.4、She wants to buy some presents for Carl,b in the wall ,on the wall有什么区别 连词成句(用from...to)1.7 hours,by train,Beijing,my hometown,it,would,take,to go2.pay close attention to,your dress,should,the details of,your glasses,your socks,for the interview,you3.varies,30 degrees,40 degrees,the temperature4.he,all the pe java报错beyond number of declared ordinal parameters. Remember that ordinal parameters are 1-based!问题就出在这里public Result getAdminRecordList(VOFilter filter) {Result r = new Result();Page page = filter.getPage();EntityManager em = it is not beyond the realm of possibility that. 怎么翻译? I listen to the music of the film.中 OF the film 是什么成分啊 end up 后面接什么形式 end up后接什么~end up后接什么?up是介词么?那就接动名词,名词,代词? I'd like _ (make) a picnic pian.横线上怎么填啊? 用括号中所给的单词的适当形式填空:1.I would like you ____ (go) for a picnic with us.2.Some parents want their children ______(play) computer games.3.Mr Li asks the students ______(not swim) in the river,because it is too dangerous.4.