
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:17:40
They ____ quickly after breaking the windowA come on B ran awayC got offD ran into 若直线OM⊥平面α,棱长为a的正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1的顶点A在α内,顶点C在MO上,正方体可以自由运动,则点O点C1的距离的最大值是多少? they both denied stwaling the vase 宾语是哪个 谓语呢 booking locator reference是什么意思?The airline ticket you have booked is an electronic ticket and so all you need to do is present your booking locator reference and I.D.card at the check-in desk. Guest Connect Booking Engine Reservation x女特工好看吗? 《X女特工》好看吗更新完了吗全集 X女特工有几集 多读书语文阅读题会好吗?多读书对语文阅读题的得分会有很大的帮助吗?怎样在这个寒假让自己的语文考上120分呢?主要就是阅读题,我一般基础都差不多全对,作文47,48,49左右,但阅读 英语翻译I've never been the kind that you'd call lucky Always stumbling' around in circles But I must have stumbled into something Look at me Am I really alone with you I wake up feeling like my life's worth living Can't recall when I last felt t 孔子思想该如何接受 英语翻译如题应该是道菜原句里是:artichoke hearts vinaigrette with baby shrimp 孔子帝王像产生的缘由, 求各位大哥大姐们给个答案 我与女友在药流后第19和第22天发生了关系.都是外射,连续吃了2次紧急避孕药.过了几天她开始出血了.血很少很少.差不多几滴.大约10天左右.她现在出血多了.还肚子疼,会不会是月经啊.或者是 各位大哥大姐,帮我解答下.有一个女孩和一个男的相互喜欢,那个男的追她的时候那女的很开心,可是确总是躲着,然后总是无理的靠近别的男生和他的仇人让他醋意横飞,最后有其它的女生向那 六年级的,帮忙各位大哥大姐! 要有过程!小明和小刚各有玻璃球若干个.小明对小刚说:“我给你2个我们俩就一样多.”小刚说:“我若给你2个,我的个数就是你的3分之1.”他们俩个一共有多少 各位大哥大姐求化简求过程(sinα+cosα)^2 答案:1+sin2α (cos^4θ)-(sin^4θ) 答案:cos2θsinXcosXcos2X 答案:1\4sin4X(1)\(1-tanθ)-(1)\(1+tanθ) 答案:tan2θ those is big cheap there open 的反义词 those的反义词those的! That's 怎么做啊?问一下各位大哥 That's gret什么意思 英语翻译大概时间3分钟左右吧,要的是对话类型的,就两个人对话的那种,是两个人说的 我希望让老人们看一次戏剧表演(have a drama show)翻译 That's a deed.啥意思 我昨天晚上把我的父母吵醒了 翻译 ( )my parents ( )last night “我父母叫我不要再晚上出去”翻译!My parents ask me__ __ __out at night. 英语翻译Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job.Sometimes children do preci 1.My parents____work at night.2.我朋友一年到头都很忙My friend is busy ___ ___ ___.3.你应该照看好你自己YOu should ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . 英语句子结构 是svoo 还是svocwe made him our spokesmani made myself a cup of teaPeople call him a coward麻烦告诉我都是svoo 还是svoc thx!我不要那个大段无聊资料谢谢 英语语法中SVA和SVC和SVO怎么区别啊?